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The hairs on the back of my neck stand up as I drop the peony in my hand to the floor. I couldn't bring myself to turn around, I couldn't allow myself to get my hopes up. There was no way Xavier was stood behind me, not a chance in hell.

This man had been missing from his prison cell for nearly two months, there was no chance he had found me that fast. I hadn't seen him in two years, I didn't know if my eyes would see him the way they did before. I didn't know if the man behind me wanted me dead for all I had done to him.

"Turn around baby" His voice was sweet, he didn't sound like he wanted to murder me. But then all the best killers made their prey feel safe before they strike.

I slowly turn my body around, as I finally allow myself to look up at the man I had fallen in love with. I meet the eyes of Xavier, the eyes I had missed for the past two years. I expected to feel differently to how I do right now. But here I am, I have nothing to say. I was in a state of shock almost.

I couldn't hear anything else around me, there was just a man staring back at me. A man I had shared so many memories with, a man I shared a daughter with, a daughter I had lost. It was my fault our baby girl wasn't here, I had so much stress going through my body. Stress I had caused due to my actions, I couldn't help but always wonder what would have happened if I didn't turn him in.

Would we have a two year old right now?

Xavier stood there unaware of our baby girl, unaware of the fact his mother had ran away from his family to help me.

"You look like you've seen a ghost" Xavier chuckles at me. But it was like I had, I was terrified.

"I-I, wh-what are you doing here?" I stutter, was he here too get me back for everything I had done.

I feel Xavier move his hand up to my hair, I had lighter hair now. I wanted a change when I moved here, it felt good to be blonder. My old cinnamon hair wasn't doing it for me anymore, I had lighten hair between blonde and brunette.

"You look beautiful with your new hair" He gushes over me as he moves my hair from my eyes. I can't help but take a deep breath as I feel his touch against me once again.

His touch made me shudder, I had chills down my spine at every little move he made. I feel him lean closer to me, his lips press against my forehead. I could hardly breath right now, I had no control over myself at all.

Xavier as always ruled my body.

"How are you here?"

Finally I managed too string a fully sentence together. I needed to know how he found me so fast, I would suspect Gia. But I also knew that Gia would never turn me over, she protected me from everything.

"I didn't think you would be here if I'm honest, it's like the universe wanted us to meet once again"

I feel his forehead pressed against mine, his body moved closer to me. It pressed me against the wall that stood behind us, I feel his hand move down to my waist.

"You don't know how long I've dreamed of you again"

I couldn't help but be confused, I had ruined this man's life and yet he didn't seem to care at all. He just wanted me, he didn't care about the way I had gotten him thrown in prison.

There hadn't even been a mention of it.

"You hate me" I gulp, I knew he hated me.

"When did anyone ever say that Dolcezza?"

I knew that I was potentially being trapped, he could turn around and harm me right now. But I also knew that he was in his rights to harm me in anyway possible.

His hands moved around my body like they had so many times before. But this time I didn't want him to touch me, I needed his hands to be off of me. I didn't know what he was capable of doing anymore, I didn't know if this was all a ploy to keep me weak.

"Please don't touch me" I didn't even notice the tears, but they began to fall quickly. I watch Xavier's face drop when he sees me crying, he steps back from me taking his hands off of my body.

"Grace" He sighs attempting to make me feel better, but this was all too much.

Seeing his face, all I could see was my little girl. She looked just like her dad, seeing Xavier again all I could see was our daughter. Her face was stained into my mind, I had struggled everyday since I lost her. But seeing his face now, I couldn't do this.

I couldn't look at him.

"Please just leave me alone" I snap before walking away.

If there was one thing I knew about Xavier, he would follow me. I knew he wouldn't let me just walk away from him. If he wanted to follow me that was fine, I was expecting it all.

He could see where I was living, he could stalk me all he wanted right now. I just couldn't put myself through looking at his face right now. I headed right to the car, I had to get away as fast as I could. How was still unwell, I knew the news of her son being here would shock her.

I didn't know how she would react, if she would be happy or if this would scared her. We were safe here, safe from everyone that would be after me. I knew Xavier would never harm me, he wouldn't put me at risk. But the men that wanted me dead, they also wanted Xavier back in their lives.

Leading them once again.

It was another forty minutes until I was back, I knew Xavier was on my tail. He stayed back enough but I knew he was there, following me. I pulled up to the gate that protected our home, I looked back as I do I watch Xavier get out of his car and stare back at me.

I drive through the gates as the love of my life watches me run away from him after all these years without him.

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