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It had been too long, she should have been back by now.

It took forty minutes to get there, and forty minutes back. She had been over two hours now this was not normal, something had happened. I could feel it in my bones.

I rushed to the phone and dialled the number my mother called me from, it rang a few times before I heard her annoyed tone on the other side.

"Today would be nice to get me Xavier" She groans, the phone was a landline. It could only stay in the house so she thought I hadn't left yet but Grace had. She left two hours ago and she hasn't even gotten to my mother yet.

She never made it.

"Grace left two hours ago"

I could feel the air leave her lungs as she gasped on the other end of the phone. Panic ensued throughout her body, I couldn't see her but I knew what was happening.

"W-what do you mean? Why the fuck did you let her leave by herself Xavier!" She screams down the phone. "You need to go find her right now! I will sort this tire out and try and be right behind you"

I couldn't speak, my entire world just crashed around me. Where the hell was she?

There was no way she would leave, she wouldn't just leave me. She definitely wouldn't leave Mommà that was her mother now, the only woman she truly trusted.

I slammed the phone down before making my way out of the door. Luckily I had my car here, It wasn't the best for the conditions of the mountains but it would do.

It would be faster than walking.

I felt like my heart was in my throat, I could feel it beating. I couldn't even allow my brain too think of a situation that would mean she didn't reach Mommà. I didn't want to think about things I didn't know, to let my brain run free with the thoughts of what could have happened to her.

I finally reach apart of the road that I knew she had driven down, I could see the tire marks on the track. We were the only people this high up, I knew she made it to this point. I continue driving at a slower pace than before, to keep my eyes open for anything that could be wrong.

That was when my heart stopped, a second pair of tire tracks came into view. Not only that but Graces tracks had been swerved off the road. I stop my car before jumping out and following the tracks by foot. There was a verge that had a huge impact mark in, like a car had been pushed through there. I walk over where my worst fears were confirmed.

Graces car.

It had been rammed from one side, it was smashed up. I didn't even remember running over to the car but next thing I knew I had swung the door open. She wasn't there.

Where the hell was she?

How could she have gotten out if she was hurt? If someone had taken her who the hell was it?

"Xavier?!" I hear my name shouted by my mother. I turn my head to see her making the same journey I just did, her hands coming to her mouth as her eyes met Graces car.

But she had a different look to me.

She looked as if she knew something, like this wasn't so shocking.

"Oh my god, they found her" She speaks

"Who?" I ramble quickly, I rush to her side. I hold my hand stabilising her.

Who the hell was she talking about.

Who wanted Grace and why did they have her now?

Momma falls to her knees as she looked at the car wreck in front of our eyes.

"They've taken her?"

"What do you mean they've taken her!" I was getting frustrated now with the lack of information being given my way.

"Luca! The group whoever is in charge now I don't know who it is but Luca was exiled and they wanted Grace so they've been hunting for her since the day you went into prison" She rambled.

I felt rage run throughout my entire body, I couldn't believe the men I had trusted with my entire life coming after the woman I love. The mother of my baby girl, if they had her I would murder each and everyone one of them until I had her back in my arms again.

They wanted revenge for her betrayal, but that wasn't up to them to take. That was down to me and only me.

"Where the hell could they be?" I ask my mother, I knew she had been keeping tabs. She had wanted to be in the know for certain things, I had no idea who her contact was but they needed to find out who was in charge.

Who made this call so I could murder them.

"I don't know Xavier, if I did then I sure wouldn't be here right now" I hear her snap at me.

I knew Grace meant more to her than I ever thought. She was like her child, the woman she had protected for the past two years. I loved that she had protected Grace but I didn't need to be lectured on that fact.

I had to find her, I had lost her once before I wouldn't loose her again. I would kill whoever had taken her, no matter who it was.

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