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I feel my legs swing as I sit on the bed in the medical examiners office. It's strange they always cover them in that paper, like it was supposed to be more sanitary. Somehow it always makes me feel weirder.

I felt my eyes dart around the room as I look at all the little trinkets. This was not what I expected for a medical examination, there were little unicorns dotted around. Along with plants and reallt everytbint you wouldn't expect to be in an FBI medical examiners office. It was light hearted, it made me think about the person I was about to meet.

She was new apparently, that explained the happiness she still held for this organisation. They hadn't ruined her life just yet, but it was coming. It always was.

"Hi!" I hear a chirpy woman sing as she enters the room. She had a bright outfit on coveted by her dull lab coat, I didn't know what rainbow had thrown up on her.

But she was far too happy for my liking right now.

I reply with a dull hello back too her, she kept the smile on her face nether the less. I watched her pick up my file before reading about who I was. I could see the moment it hit her who I was, what I had been doing.

I was the talk of the entire FBI, agent gone rouge as I was now know. I hated that I was known for that here in the FBI, I wanted to be known as someone who had done something amazing.

Instead I was the one that had fallen at the first hurdle.

"Agent Harris" She smiles I watch her take a seat on a small stood before arriving at my side. "I'm Agent Taylor"

Her hand is reached out for me to take and shake, I do so before finally smiling. This woman had never wronged me, it wasn't my place to believe she was judging me.

She seemed nice enough to not be thinking I was the devil in disguise.

"Nice to meet you" I reply, my voice was monotone right now. I knew I wasn't coming across very well, but all that was in the back of my mind was Xavier.

He was going to run away with me, he was going to marry me. He wanted everything I never thought he would, I believed he would never give up what he had for me. He did it without even needing to ask.

"I know you've had a tough few months, I just want to say I'm not here to judge you"

I pick my head up from its usual position of being low. I make eye contact with the blonde woman, she had some coloured pink streaks in her hair. I wasn't really sure how to react to someone like her.

I had never been around someone in such a professional job that doesn't act so.

"Everyone else is"

I had hardly been spoken too by my old colleagues, Finn was the one exception there. He had been there for me, he had made sure I was okay. He had been brining me food to ensure I was eating.

Of course the second he left, the food would end up in the trash.

"Falling in love is nothing to be ashamed of Allie"

I can't help but allow the tears to well once again, I had cried more in the last week than I ever had before. I was physically and emotionally drained at the moment. I knew it would take a lot to make me feel like myself once again.

"Then why is everyone looking at me like I hurt them"

"Love is something no one will understand until they feel it. Xavier isn't a bad guy, not to you he wasn't. He treated you well, that's why you fell in love with him. People treat others love differently to their own. They physically can't understand the love you felt for him as they have never been loved the way you have"

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