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Two weeks, I had been back in the arms of Xavier for two weeks now. Every waking moment was bliss, I loved being by his side once again. We had opened up to each other more than ever, Gia had fallen in love with the idea of us once again.

Hers and Xavier's relationship was on the mend and for once in my life everything felt normal. I never knew how long this feeling would last, I had a tendency to attracted bad luck.

I looked across the room as Xavier stood there in nothing but a loose pair of joggers. His tattoos exposed and his beautiful sculptured body on display. I had fallen deeper in love with him by the day, I truly did love this man. He was more important to me than oxygen right now, I craved him more than life itself.

"Staring is rude" He speaks as his eyes don't lift from the pan of eggs he cooked. Xavier had promised to make me breakfast every single morning, he was yet to break that promise.

"Well sorry for offending you" I shoot back to him with a smirk on my face. I lean my head on my crossed arms as they rest on the back of the couch. "I won't look anymore"

I had struggled since the confession of losing Ana, but Xavier had held me in his arms every night. He had heard all the stories of my pregnancy as well as looked at all the pictures.

In fact he keeps Ana's scan picture on him at all times.

He had fallen in love with the child he never met, she was his daughter and he was the father she deserved. I was proud to call her mine as well as him. Our family maybe separated by worlds but we've never been closer.

"Look all you want Grace" He smirks to me, I can't help but blush.

Xavier and I were yet to rekindle the sexual intimacy we once shared. I was terrified if I was honest, I hadn't been with anyone since he'd went away. I hadn't wanted too, of course there were times of sexual frustration but I got over it.

I stand up and walk over to him in the kitchen, I knew we were alone. Gia had headed down into the town an hour ago and would be gone for a few more, I had a feeling of confidence inside of me. I didn't know where it had come from but I wanted to touch him. Once I reach him, I trace my hands around his waist.

I feel his breathing become heavier, he removed the food off the heat before turning around and picking me up and placing me on the counter top in a swift movement. I wasn't given time to even think before his lips are attached to mine, I hadn't kissed someone in so long.

Let alone the man my body was made for.

The feeling of him against me once again, it was something I don't think I would ever get used too. I had craved him in every sense of the word, I would give up life itself for this man. His hands moved around my back before pulling me closer to him.

"X" I breath against his lips as his touch roams my body.

All of a sudden our bodies are ripped apart by the sound of a phone ringing. I nearly jumped out of my skin, I could hardly breath it shook me to my core.

"Fuck" He curses.

We both let out a small laugh before Xavier heads over to the phone and picking it up. We still had a landline phone, it was safer than a mobile with everyone tracking us. The only people that had the number was each other, it had to be Gia calling the phone.

I watch as Xavier talks on the phone, he was agreeing to something.

"Yeah sure" I hear, I walk over to his side as my hand runs along his chest. I couldn't quite hear what was being said but I knew Gia must be asking for something. "I'll come now"

I watch Xavier hang the phone up, as he looks down at me. His hand coming to my cheek to hold me as he looks into my eyes.

"I have to go get Mommà" He smiles down at me, I frown knowing she must have taken the car so why did she need a lift?

"Why? is everything okay?" I ask with concern in my face.

"She got a puncture, I said I would get her then we can sort the car out another time"

Gia had been there for me through thick and thin always. I wanted to help her, I wanted to do something for her. I wanted to do something after she had done so much for me in life, I don't think I would ever repay her for what she's done for me.

But I could try.

"Let me get her" I watched as his face turn into a frown. He didn't want to let me out of his sight, but I needed to help to do something. "Please"

"Grace" He trails off my name, I knew he didn't want me too go. But it didn't matter, I wanted to go and if I was good at anything it was getting my own way with Xavier.

"I know this place better than you, I will find her faster please Xavier"

I watch the cogs turn around in his head, he wanted to tell me no and that he didn't want me to leave this house ever. But here he was, in front of me looking like he was about to give in to me.

"Fine, but you call me the second you get to her okay?" He says as he cups my cheeks before pressing his lips against my forehead.

I nod in agreement.

I made my way out to the garage before climbing into the SUV. I watched as Xavier waved to me as I drive out of the gates. Living in the mountains it was peaceful, there was no one near us at all it was quiet.

I enjoyed the peace of this life I lived now, it was nice and all I had ever wanted. I knew my way around these mountains like the back of my hand. Back when I lost Ana, I would hike through these mountains and I got used to it. I began too know my way around, so much so I showed Gia the short cuts into town.

Driving around the dirt track, I never felt more at home than I did right now. Here in the mountains with Xavier, it was my dream.

The drive into town was around 40 minutes, I was so very close. Only 20 minutes left, I didn't mind driving in fact I liked it a lot. It made me feel peaceful, the feeling of the warm air as I drove it was-

All of a sudden my thoughts cut me off as I saw a huge SUV coming from the left hand side. Before I knew it the car had smashed into he side of mine causing a huge flip. The car flipped and I screamed attempting to keep myself up in some way. My body was thrown around the car, the seatbelt bruised me. All I could feel was pain as the car rolled.

I lost count of how many times it rolled, all I did know was it had stopped. The car had landed up right, I could feel the blood dripping down my head. I groaned as I leant for the door, I had no idea what had happened. Where that car had come from, I wasn't sure.

Before I could even reach for the door it swings open. I could hardly see anything, my eyes were filled with blood. Everything was blurred my vision was gone, I couldn't see anything.

Not at all.

I hear a deep giggle of a man, I felt my heart rate pick up. I had no idea who this man was, I couldn't see.

"Grace Hadley, you were hidden from me for far too long"

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