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Being locked up wasn't what I had expected, I was yet to be transported to a real prison. I was being held in a FBI facility, I hadn't been shown to many other people. I knew how much of a target I could be when I made into a real prison.

I had been beaten and bruised by many of the officers here. I knew they wanted me for awhile, I had to take it all. There was no use fighting back, I would just face more beatings.

So I took them.

Grace, she occupied a lot of my thoughts. I had thoughts about her, I had thought back to nearly every single moment we shared. I had thought back on every single lie she had told to me, told to my family.

Every single moment we shared, I looked at her in that room and she wasn't the woman I had fallen for. She was a shell of that woman, I could see the person she had become. When she with me I saw another person, she was the person I had fallen in love with.

Her personality shines through at all times, but the FBI had their claws in her. They had to control everything she does, she was their property now. I still wanted to protect her, I knew I should hate her right now.

But it's hard to hate someone you love so much. I hate what she's done to me. But I don't think I could ever hate her as a person, because I know the person she is. I know she's isn't her true self right now, she was being controlled.

"Xavier" I hear the voice of a man, I stand up and walk over to the bars. The man was someone I recognised, I had seen him around.

"Who the fuck are you?" I snap to him, he was clearly younger than me.

Around Graces age to be honest.

"SSA Finn Wilson"

I cock my eyebrow at him as well as tilting my head. He looked like a scared little boy, like he was terrified to be here alone. I could devour him in a second.

"And what do you want?"

I watch him move around awkwardly, the tension was clear between us. I didn't know if this man knew Grace, if he had worked with her prior to her meeting me.

I see him fiddling with his hands, he was unsure how to stand around me. I made him nervous and that was obvious.

"It's Grace" He breaths out, I feel myself stand up more hearing her name. I can't handle hearing her name, knowing she wasn't near me. I couldn't see her, I couldn't protect her.

"What about her? I ask through gritted teeth.

"She's really struggling, I know you hate her I do but-"

"Who ever said that?" I shoot at him.

I had never told anyone I hated her. She betrayed me, everyone knew that. It wasn't a secret that she had broken me, I was a broken man. She had taken a lot away from me.

But I would never hate her.

I watch him panic, his eyes widen as he begins to stutter words that made no sense at all. I could see him shaking, even behind bars I scared people. I had waited my entire life for someone to fear me the way I am now, but all I wanted now is to be out of here.

I wanted to be with Grace in Greece, we had an entire life waiting for us. I had a Villa with all of her favourite things. I had planned so many events, I had planned dates and dinners. It all changed in the blink of an eye.

I was now behind bars, I had no control over anything in my life. I couldn't even see the woman I loved, but I knew I would get her back.

It was just a matter of time, before I win once again. 

"I-I" Agent Finn stutters, I can't help but smile at his fear.

"Tell me whatever you came here for" I snap, I couldn't be around this idiot any longer.

"She's struggling" He breaths out "She won't eat and I know she isn't sleeping"

Hearing this made my heart collapse, the idea she was struggling without me. She wasn't eating, she wasn't sleeping. She had to be protected, it was my job to protect her. I couldn't do that anymore, I couldn't help her at all.

She was out of my reach now.

"What do you want me to do from behind bars exactly?"

"I-I don't know I just know she needs you to tell her it will-"

"It will be okay?" I finish his sentence in a harsh tone.

I couldn't believe the audacity of this man, he had come here to rub her struggles into my face when he knew I couldn't help.

"I'm behind bars, I can't do anything. Why don't you go support her like I know you want too" I shoot.

No man comes to another about a random woman. He liked Grace, or Allie. Whatever her name was. He had feelings for her, I could see it written all over his face.

He liked her.

"I don't-"

"You like her" I shoot to him, the look on his face said to all. He liked her and I knew that, now I had to worry about men taking her away from me. "If you ever touch her, when I get out I will kill you and I will be getting out"

I was sure I would be out of this place, I didn't care how long it took. I would be back with my girl once again.

I didn't care how long it took me, I would get her back into my arms. I would hold her while she slept, I would keep her safe until the day I die.

This wasn't the end of Grace and I. I would make sure of that.

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