Chapter 2

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Watching the ring in her fingers, he was disappointed for no real reason.

" Umm... Can I ask something?"

Y/n nods signals a yes.

" Where is his father?"

" Umm "

Heeseung understood that something was not right .

Y/n rides the bus as the bus arrives ...while he stood there processing what happened.

It's not normal how she looked calm after so much happened in her life isn't it?

That's what he thought.


Next day

Y/n was walking towards the elevator when someone tapped her shoulders.
Turning back , she found out it was none other than yuqi .

" Y/n , I am sorry for -"

Y/n hugged her slightly and whispered " It's ok I was mad for no reason"

Yuqi smiled .

Both of them went inside the elevator while discussing about products.

" What about the purple butter balm ?"

" Nah that's on process the design is not yet done "

" Who is doing it ??"

" You !"

" What?! I am doing Tinted gloss designs "

Yuqi shouted in shock " Wtf ?? Then who is doing that?! The meeting is tomorrow isn't it?"

Y/n called hwasa ( Office mate)

On call

Y/n : What product are you working on?

Hwasa: um I am working on Sea ..

Y/n : Aish .. do u know who is working on purple?

Hwasa : Yes why

Y/n : Who ?

Hwasa : Solar i guess-

Y/n : Thanks

Call ends......

Yuqi was whole time staring y/n trying to hear the other end . When the call ends she asks " Who was that??"

Y/n called another person without answering her question.... Yuqi looked at her getting pissed off.

After call ...

Yuqi : Why are you ignoring me??

Y/n : Solar is doing purple one ...

Yuqi jumped towards y/n hugging her " Thank God "
" U leave me "

Yuqi laughed . Both of them parted their ways towards their own work place .


It was the meeting day for purple product.

Everyone sat around the large office table .
The atmosphere was serious and calm . Everyone including solar was waiting for boss .

But someone else entered making them whisper " why is he here? Where is the boss??"

Lee Dokyeom who was the son of the boss entered .He was famous for his high quality decisions and business plans . Also he was quiet friendly towards the employees.

Dokyeom begins " Good morning everyone, since i will take the position of CEO soon ... My father told to practice starting today ... So I am here "

Everybody clapped being happy for getting a new young boss .

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