Chapter 17

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The door opened revealing fully drenched Heeseung and y/n .

Niki went running towards them .
" Hyung, noona?? Get these towels fast ... Or else you are gonna catch cold."

Ashley slowly followed him , " Umm how can I help you unnie ?"

Y/n looked at her totally not knowing the purpose of her being here .
" Why is this singer in our house ?"

Niki laughed ," Haha no it's just we got stuck in rain and your place was near so-"

Heeseung: It's okay let's see them later come with me...

He pulled y/n with him upstairs.
By then the old people were asleep already.
Jason was watching cartoons...

Ashley looked at the lovely couple holding hands and going upstairs... She gazed Niki for few seconds and said ," My love doesn't do that so I'll ask him someday"

Niki rolled his eyes... " You are teasing me because I had a break up right?"

Ashley was dumbfounded," Duh you are literally the most clueless person I've ever known..."

" Whatever"

" Yeah yeah "

By then Heeseung and y/n got downstairs changing into dry clothes... " So explain Niki "

Y/n was looking pissed.

Heeseung patted her hand telling her to calm down.

" I work as her manager and while returning back-"

" No explain me about Sarah !"

" We broke up"

" Or because of me you left her"

" She was not right-"

" Do you still think about her ??"

Ashley was hearing the conversation calmly...she was amazed by y/n's choice of words ...and it was impressive.

Nothing new to Heeseung... He goes to Jason while y/n was talking to them.

Niki thought it about few seconds," No I don't think so "

" Do you love Ashley ?"

Both Niki and Ash was flustered...
"N-no " ...both of them said.

Y/n : Then I think Ashley should leave this house now.

Niki :  but why?

Y/n : Because she is no one to us

Niki : Noona? What about hospitality?

Y/n: I don't know anything

Ash comes forward," Unnie , I'm sorry but if you want I can go outside..."

Y/n didn't show much care .
" Niki ? "

Niki : Noona please!

Y/n : I am asking you Ash... Do you love him ?

Ash nods slowly....making Niki dumbfounded.
Y/n hugs Ashley... Whispered" I could feel it in your eyes "

Y/n : Ashley I think I have room for you

Ashley smiles holding y/n's hand and following her upstairs.

Niki was not able to process what happened...
" What about my opinion?"

Heeseung laughs coming to him ," My one is wierd right??"

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