Chapter 14

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Y/n was done getting ready for bed . Heeseung too.

Heeseung calls Jason ," Baby ? Come with me "

He pulls him to other room ...which was more comfy and cute .. because all the others rooms gave devil vibes...

Jason was tired playing whole day he was dragged to upper floor by Heeseung.

He puts the blanket over the little boy and comes out of the room .

Y/n lays down on her bed closing her eyes ... trying to sleep . By that time Heeseung arrives climbing on her .

" I'm sleepy "

Y/n nods , speaks in sleepy voice ," Hmm "

" Look at me ..", Heeseung wanted attention .

Y/n was turning her back towards him and sleeping." Hmm"

Heeseung pouts, barely getting any attention....
He had no choice but to hug her to sleep . Lol.


Niki was scrolling through his phone ...
Someone is calling ...
Looking at the caller id sarah .. a smile forms ...

On call

Niki : Hello ?

Sarah : Hmm Niki ! I am missing you badly !!

Niki : Me too ....

Sarah : Where are you ?

Niki : In my apartment

Sarah : I wish I was there with you ..

Sarah and Niki were dating since one week or so and somehow Niki has been feeling attached to her ... Though being totally unknown to each other ... He fell for her .

Ending the call he drifts off to sleep thinking about Sarah and her sweet voice .


" Hee !!! Wake up it's late now !"

Y/n was shouting from downstairs while preparing breakfast. Jason was asleep and today
y/n needs to prepare him for school .

Heeseung is a deep sleeper ...and she knew that .

Y/n walks to their bedroom, " It's late hee !! I am done preparing breakfast...come fast !"

She was talking while preparing her outfit for today as she also had office to attend.

Heeseung speaks with his husky voice ," Love ....I'll miss you "

Y/n smiles while replying," I'll miss you too .."

She gets closer to him pecking his nose ..." Get up now "

Heeseung pulls her hand and asks while closing his eyes ," On the lips "

Y/n gets shy , removing his hand from hers ..." Later !! Now come down !!"

He sits up ...still sleepy ..." I want it now "...

Y/n didn't care much and walks to other room for her son .

Again ignored. Lol.

Heeseung was sulky as she denied to give a kiss.

At breakfast table

Y/n was serving the breakfast while Jason was eating and Heeseung too .

Y/n noticed that Heeseung was not talking with her since coming down from upstairs.

" What happened?"

Heeseung nods a no ," Nothing"

Y/n nods slowly," Okay"

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