Chapter 18 ( Final )

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Y/n changed into her comfy clothes...and Heeseung was freshening up.

Niki and Ashley were in their room with Jason .

Y/n : What is taking so long ??
Heeseung was in the washroom taking a shower for quite long ... So y/n was impatient . She wanted to sleep with him together...and it was too late about 3 am ..

Heeseung : I'm coming!!

Y/n sighs and continues her work.

Heeseung gets out of the washroom after few minutes..." what are you doing babe?"

" Umm plans ..."

" For our honeymoon??"

That chocked her saliva ...." N-no ...I am searching for places for Ashley 's wedding"

Heeseung laughs watching her flustered face...
Even though she was living with him for many months ...still she was not used to his flirtatious nature..

" I like the way you prioritise Ash more than Niki "

Y/n gave him offensive side eyes.." You like what??!"

" haha nothing .."

" What nothing???!!"

" Haha ... Aren't we gonna go to honeymoon?"

" you are changing the topic"

" Nooo I'm nottt"

" U r suspicious hmmm"

" Babe since when you have become so sensitive??"

Y/n closes her laptop and flops down on the bed.
" Come now ...I'm sleepy "

Heeseung grinned... jumping on the bed next to her. " Hey what about our first night?"

Y/n : I'm sorry what?!

Heeseung: First night

Y/n smiles snuggling her head into his chest ....
" Lets sleep now"


Jason was awake and he didn't go to school ... because none of the his parents woke up till now.

Here , Ash and Niki were quarelling.

Ash: I am not going according to you!!

Niki : I'm taking you with me !!!

Ash : Nah I'll kill you Niki !!

Niki : You are meeting my parents and no words!!

Ash: Waeee not noww!!! Please!!!

Niki : What is the problem?!!

Ash : I have some problem and I can't meet them

Niki : Why??!

Ash : It's my-

Y/n cuts her off ," What are you guys fighting for?"

Ashley and Niki were stunned and just went silent.

" Listen, I'm not bossing over you-"

" Unnie , He is telling me to meet his parents and I am saying no not now ..."

That's when it strikes her that she hasn't met her parents too .... And now what?
" Niki ? Why are you forcing her?"

Niki : Noona please... I feel bad because you haven't even invited mom and dad in your wedding....and with that you didn't inform them also..even though they have shown you their worst side could have shown your better side ..but you didn't... They deserve to enjoy our weddings isn't it? So I'm taking her to meet them !

Y/n was feeling guilty ... Very badly ..

Niki : I am not here to make you feel bad but they deserve to be happy too

Heeseung comes down and pats y/n ..
" What happened??"

Y/n removes his hand and goes to Niki ...
" And you don't know what they did to my mental health do you??"

Niki : I don't know what they did but enough time has already passed should forgive them ..they deserve to see your child

Y/n : Okay I'll forgive them but I can never forget what they did to me

Heeseung was purely confused.

Y/n gives a final look to Niki and walks away upstairs.
And Heeseung also followed her .

Ashley pats Niki ...." Niki , I'm sorry to mendle in your family discussion but may I know what happened?"

Niki : I'll tell you when everything will be settled.

Ashley nods , " Okay ...and are we going to meet -"

Niki : No we are not !

And with that he storms out of the house with his car keys ....

Poor Ashley sighs ...
I should go to Jason and wake him up .


Y/n sits down on the floor ...
" Heeseung, please I'm not in a mood today "

Heeseung didn't even say anything but she warned him beforehand..
" Babe , Can you tell me what happened?"

Y/n : It's about my parents

Heeseung: I was wondering why they were not invited and all but i didn't ask you

Y/n : If you have asked me then ...I would be in a bad mood then you did a good job

Heeseung: I'm curious what happened??

Y/n: They never supported me and now they don't even know that I have a child , I have a new life and here Niki is insisting me to visit them .

Heeseung: you should visit them ...not as a daughter but as a wife and a mother have responsibility too...and they should know that you are happy in your life

Y/n : When i married Jake ..they told me that I did a big mistake marrying him and when they will hear that I have married you they will be happy that I had to divorce him in order to marry you ... And that way they will win

Heeseung: Let them win ...they were right then ... You shouldn't have married Jake ... And it's better to keep everything perfect now. Isn't it?

Y/n : Then shall we go to meet them ? Will it be right?

Heeseung: You understand things very well ...and I love that

Y/n : I'm ready to forgive them ...

He pecks her forehead and smiles ," I love you my dear ..."

Y/n hugs him , " Please don't leave me like he did"

Heeseung nods ," Its our road and i won't be able to walk alone ..I need you darling ..just you and me walking together holding hands..
You are only mine and I am only yours  "


Written by hawtandsweet

Thank You

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