Chapter 13

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I wondered how does it feel to be chosen ...
Because I've been always an option to him.

How does it feel to be loved and does it feel to have a person who only thinks about you ...

And , now I got it.

Heeseung, who loves me like I have never been loved before and that's all for me ....I never wanted more .....I am never selfish ....about love.


Both of them were curled up comfortably in the bed of her apartment. The cold winter morning with the warmth of him felt new.

Y/n's eyes flutters opens .... A pretty view of him sleeping ... Why was she having an urge hug him to sleep again's annoying to feel like that when she knows she needs to prepare herself for the day .

Putting the blanket on him , she walks out of the room .

Y/n was working in her laptop after preparing breakfast. The Paris exhibition documents needs to be prepared beforehand. Even though it's weekend, she has to work .

Hearing a husky voice , her head turns towards it ...." Morning love " , his sweet smile was melting her heart .

Y/n gets up from the couch , walking towards him with a smile .... Hugging him by his neck and his hands around her placed perfectly...... Y/n looks at him ... beautiful..... He looked like a new world to her ...and she can't deny that he is her everything now other than Jason .

" Morning mummy !!!! " , Jason jumps towards them smiling giggling.

Niki was asleep in Jason's bed .

Both of them turns their head to little Jason .
" Baby ... Hungry ?"

Heeseung picked him up , " Let's go freshen up ...and mommy will be plating the breakfast"

Y/n : Yeah sure ..

Her dry answer made Heeseung look at her .
" Do you want me to help you ?"

Y/n nods a no ," It's ok ... I'll work after breakfast "..

" Y/n ? Lemme help you " , Heeseung starts helping her without letting her do anything.

Y/n was confused yet happy that atleast she did not have to stay at the kitchen alone before.

" I actually didn't need help .."

Heeseung pecks on her lips , replying," I know you work hard so much ..... It's ok for me to help you a little hmm?"

" Thank you ", she smiles at him continuing her work.


Heeseung was getting ready for going to his house as his parents will be visiting there few days later and he need to fix everything there.

" Wanna come with me ?"

" Where ? "

" Our house ? Niki has schedules ..let's take Jason ok?"

" Yeah okay.... "

Closing her laptop , she walks to her room for getting ready and to bring Jason's clothes too.

" Baby? Come here ... let's dressup"

" mumma ? Where are we going ?'

Heeseung answered instead of y/n ," A place where we will stay together forever "

Y/n was staring into Heeseung as he was talking with Jason . He looked so pleasing .

" Niki ! We are leaving! Lock the door before leaving the house .!!!!"

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