Chapter 6

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Monday finally arrived.

The past days didn't go smoothly. Now Lisa was packing her bag slowly. Her holidays are near to end . She had to return to her home in Thailand.

Niki has already left for his job.

It was 7 am when y/n woke up . Lisa and Jason is still sleeping.

These days she got no time to think about their future . What she needs to do and what will be better . Her brain was not functioning. She knows that her brain was still struggling with Jake .

It's not easy to overcome .


Dropping Jason to his school , she was now waiting for a bus.

Jason hasn't been active nowadays. He hasn't been talking much with her also . Its really quiet in the house .

She had called Niki before and he told to meet him at some cafe after dropping Jason .

So she was waiting for a bus.


"So let's start with the dates " , manager of Heeseung spoke.

Heeseung nods .

Niki who was Ash's manager had already planned everything ahead .
" Look at these dates ... She is free in these days because her comeback is near ... And what about Mr Lee Heeseung?"

Heeseung: I am ok with these . And -

Niki gets a call ... He picks up .

" Noona I'm sorry I have texted you the place "

Ending the call he continues.


After the meeting Niki walks to the place where
Y/n was waiting.

" Another date ?"
She asked .

Niki : No it's just an outing . I need to talk to you .

Y/n nods " I am tired of everything"

Niki : Noona please, you need to overcome his thoughts and start a new life .

Y/n : Hmm ...


It was noon time when y/n was working in office.

She was worried for Jason . How he was doing ? And was he eating anything?

Tomorrow she had meetings . In midst of working she forgot that Jason was at school . So she was late to leave her office .

Standing in front of school , she waited for him to come out .

" Hi baby ! How was your school ?"

Jason : Good

" Baby? Mumma is asking something answer me properly ok?"

" Mumma ? Where is ki?"

" Ki is busy today so he didn't come today "

" Hmm ...and Lisa ?"

" Lisa is packing her bags "

" Um why?"

" She will leave us because she is missing her mumma "

" Oo so she is going to her mumma right ?"

" Yes "

Both of them were waiting for the bus .
It was night . Around 10:25 pm . The last bus was gone .

She tried to call Niki but the call was not connecting.

" Mumma ? The bus is not coming why ?"

Y/n : It's late baby that's why

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