Celebration I

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A/n:I will be writing this fic by episode,so I will break an episode onto 3-4 parts(could change based on the episode) but I will be so inderludes, which will mostly be "starring" Sophie and Stewy

"This is a nice place," She said.
"Right. My cousin is the owner."
She gave Deniz a tight smile and began to bounce her leg.

He put his fork down and sighed.
"Is all this because of your father's birthday?" he asked bluntly.

"Huh? What? No."
He just gave her a look.
She put her fork down as well.
"It's just..I-I see them all of course," she said in a high octave.
"but all of us together freaks me out."
She took a breath.
"I love them but...ah, I can't explain it."

"It will be fine. Marcia invited me as well so at least you won't be alone."
"What?" she asked in a panicked voice.
"God.If Roman says anything to t-that is remotely problematic and offensive..."
"Hey," Deniz interrupted her.
"I had the displeasure of meeting your brother so I can handle him."

Deniz picked his fork back up and began eating again.
Sophie was still in thought.
After a moment he noticed.
He sighed again.
"Come on. Try this," he said as he handed her a piece of bread.
"Thank you," she whispered and gave him a small smile.

"Thank you, James. Have a great day."
Sophie said to her driver.
"Are you ready?"
No, she wasn't.
"Yes," she replied to Deniz.

"Sophie."Her stepmother greeted her in a fond voice.

It was no secret that Marcia liked Sophie the best out of her stepchildren. Hell, it wasn't a secret that Sophie was the most liked out of her siblings. She was the nicest, most adjusted, and most polite out of her siblings so everyone loved her well except her father, at least,in Sophie's eyes.

"Marcia" Sophie replied in the same fondness.
Marcia smiled at her, brushed Sophie's hair behind her ear, and hugged her.

"Deniz it is so nice of you to join us."
"Thank you for inviting me, Marcia."
"Of course. Everyone is in the living room."
"Really? Are we the last to arrive?"Sophie asked.
"Yes except Kendall."

"Hey, sugar."
"Connor." she smiled.
"How have you been?" she asked him as pulled him into a tight hug.
"The same. How have you been?"
"You should come visit us."
"You know what I will."
The smile Connor gave his sister was cheerful.

"Roman shut the fuck up." she greeted her younger brother.
"Fuck off I haven't even said anything," he mumbled into their hug
"Yeah and maybe it should stay that way yes?"
As they pulled away he noticed Deniz.
"Deniz" he started.
"No," Sophie said as she dragged him away by the arm.

The two sisters looked at each other with fake smiles and hugged awkwardly.

Their relationship hadn't been good since Shiv became a teenager. It became worse when Sophie started her own firm rather than joining Waystar or doing something else entirely.
Ever since then, Shiv had been compared to her older sister by strangers, distant relatives, and even their father.
Logan Roy would never admit it but Sophie always made him the proudest she was everything he wished Kendall to be she wasn't a boy.

"Hey, Sophie."
"Hey, Tom."
A quick hug and a kiss on the cheek and he was off.

"So how have to been?"Sophie asked her sister.
"Yeah good, you?"
"Same yeah."
They stood in awkward silence.
Oh, how Sophie wished it wasn't so.

Sophie was talking to Connor when she heard Marcia say "Folks He's back! He's back. Find a place."
"Hide for the surprise. Come on."
"Surprise?" She asked Connor.
"Oh, we're not surprising him are we?"Roman asked.
"Apparently so," she replied.
"Oh, he's gonna love this. Think the last time I surprised him, he took a swing at me."

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