Shit Show At the Fuck Factory II

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A/n: Shorter than usual and I changed quite a bit from the episode.
Also Sophie can't make her mind up.

Sophie had to leave the hospital.
It was suffocating to her.
She sat on a bench just across the building her family was scheming in.

For the first time today, she could breathe. Well for the first time without Stewy.

"Sugar!" Connors's voice called out.
"Con," she said relieved.
She stood up and hugged him when he stood before her.
"Are you okay?" Connor asked.
"It was getting too much in there," she answered.
"Yes, yes it was."

They sat back down and Sophie laid her head on her brother's shoulder.
They said nothing for a long time until Sophie realised something.
"It's October," she stated.
Connor looked confused.
"If Dad dies, last year will be the last Christmas with him."
"Oh." was the only thing he said.

Last Christmas was a disaster. At least in Sophie's eyes, all Christmases were disasters with her family.
It wasn't warm and loving. It felt cold and hostile.
Her father was cold and hostile.

"Do you think Dad will die?"
"I really don't know."
"I think I would like to have another Christmas with him," she said.
"It would be nice wouldn't it?"
But that was the destiny of the Roy siblings she knew.
Hating their dad, wanting to be free from the prison that is Logan Roy but still loving him, needing him.
Sophie knew the world would be a better place without a man like Logan Roy but still he was her father.

She began crying again.
"Do you-" she began before a sob left her.
"Do you think I could go home?" she asked but made up her mind before her brother could answer.
"No I'll stay," she said.
"Okay," Connor said.

She put her head back on his shoulder, he put his arm around her.
"Can you make me bread one of these days?" she asked in a quiet, almost childlike tone.
"Of course."
"Dad had a deep bleed by the way," Connor told her.
" dad going into surgery?" she asked.
"No, they don't do that with older patients."
"Will he be lifted to some other hospital?" Sophie asked.
"No. Marcia put her foot down."

"We got a private room for your dad," said after she reentered what she would consider hell.
"Oh. Well that's good I guess," Gerri said and followed her...

"This isn't a room it's a fucking suite," she said after Gerri led her.
"Right? much better," Ken said.
"I have informed Roman and Shiv that I will be taking over as CEO and Chairman.Temporarily."

"What the fuck happened again that you are all standing like this? ready to attack?" she asked.
The siblings began talking at the same time but Sophie was used to this.

"Shut up!" she said loudly.
"So you two thing it should be Ken necessarily and Ken thinks that Dad was out of his mind when he made Rome COO. Did I get that right?"
"I thought we weren't talking about all this just yet," she said.
"Yeah, but Kendall just can't stop talking about it," Roman told his sister.
"We shouldn't make sudden moves," Shiv said.
"I agree."
"Oh of course you are going to agree with her Sophie," Ken said.

"The markets will want to know who's behind the wheel."
"Ken, why do I feel like you already said that?"
"Sophie," he said in a warning tone.

"Whatever. Am I up to speed?" she asked.
"Yes," Ken said.
"Well then continue."

Sophie sat down next to Tom.
"Hi Tom." she greeted.
"Hi, Sophie."
"How... do you cope with that?" Tom asked as Roman was doing weird shit.
"I don't listen and zoom out. I'm somewhere else in my mind," she answered.

"Have you seen this?" Kendall asked when he reentered Logan's room.
"I'm so sorry about your father," Willa said.
"Thank you. Would you give us a minute?"Ken asked.
"Yeah," she said and walked out.
"Thanks, Willa."

"Tom, would you mind?" Ken asked next.
"Oh, come on. I'm not the same as her."
Ken looked between the two and decided to let it go.

"Vaulter's running a story about how the company's in turmoil," Ken said.
"Don't we own him?" Shiv asked.
Shiv read and laughed.
" 'Shit Show at the Fuck Factory'?"
"Fitting title if you ask me," Sophie said under her breath.
"Yeah. Uncertainty, discord." Ken answered Shiv.
"That is not a good story," Ken said.

" 'Family gets behind other member of the family', that's a good story."
"Oh fuck them. I mean, when Jobs was dying, Apple didn't say anything." Shiv stated.
"We're in a hospital, Shiv. Everyone knows. We can't just prop him up and wave his hand and say he's fine like they did in the Politburo or Weekend at fuckin' Bernies." Ken said agitated.
"I like the sound of that, though," Rome said.

Before Ken could answer Sophie stood up from her seat. She knew it was time to put down her foot.
"We will make a statement. Ken will stay as CEO but he will not be chairman." she began.
"I will not hear objections," she said before Ken interrupted her.
"Roman WILL be the coo as Dad wanted and I will be the chairwoman."
"Why you?" Shiv asked.
"Why? Should it be you Shiv? You are not in the company."
"And you are?"
"I am a board member, Shiv. If you want a position in Waystar, you will have to leave politics and work in the company." Sophie said.

"Everyone okay with this?" Sophie asked but her tone didn't leave room for objections.
"Karolina." Sophie peeked her head out the door to look for her.
"Prepare a statement. Ken will be the CEO, Roman the COO and I will be taking over the chairman/woman position or whatever until my father is recovered. And please tell the nominating committee."
"Of course," Karolina said.
"Thank you."

"What do you have against me?" Sophie heard Kendall ask.
"Nothing," Shiv answered
"Oh, you want me to actually say?"
"Yes, I do."
"You lack killer instinct, you're wet, you're green, you're intellectually insecure..."
"... you're not emotionally strong, you have addiction issues."
"That's enough."
"I don't think all that, I'm just trying to be Dad's voice," Shiv said.

"Brovo. It was an excellent impression."Roman said.
"Yeah. It was good."Sophie agreed.
"I just wanted to say I'm not getting involved. Sugar handled it greatly."
"Thank you, Connor," Sophie said.
"Good," Ken said at the same time.

"But Shiv right," Connor said.
"I'm not saying I would make the better CEO, that's unsaid..."
"It's not unsaid when you say it." Ken interrupted.
"No, I'm saying I'm not saying it so, in fact, it is unsaid."
"He is right Kendall," Sophie said just to mess with her brother.
"Hey, pal, why don't you go help Willa with her homework?" Ken tried to insult Connor.
"Why don't you go and help your children with their homework? oh, wait."
"Fuck you, Sophie."

"Listen, why don't you decide everything. Go tell Karolina to forget everything Sophie just told her and that you will be taking over all the roles in the company. I don't care. I just observe. I'm an UN white helmet. All right?" Connor said to Kendall.
"Guys...who else are you gonna get?" Ken asked.
"Kendall.Shiv.It's settled for now. Should Dad die then we will discuss this again but Dad is surviving this. So I say we focus on Dad and his recovery."Sophie said.
"No more votes. This is happening unless you can find a better solution tonight and tell Karolina the new plan. And should you vote again but add me to the one with the most votes." and after that she left.

She did not care to hear more from them.

"It will be your plan," Shiv said when she found Sophie.

"Shiv?" she asked as Shiv walked away.
"You should join the company. You are good, better than Kendall." Sophie said.
Shiv said nothing back.

Greetings from hell • succession • stewy hosseiniWhere stories live. Discover now