Shit show at the Fuck Factory I

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A/n:Sorry I didn't update in a bit.I will try to get the next chapter done by next week,can't promise anything tho.

"My dad," Sophie began.
"He had a heart attack or something," she said, breaking down.
Her heart shattered into a million pieces, and she was sure all of New York could hear it.

She sobbed uncontrollably.
"Baby." Stewy tried to calm her down but failed.
"Hey, hey." He cubed her cheeks. "I'm going to call my driver and drive with you to the hospital."
"I won't come in, but I'm not going to leave you either."

"What if my father dies?"
"No, don't think like that." He caressed her cheek, wiped her tears away, and hugged her as tightly as he could.
She buried her face in his neck and let go.

The entire ride, he held her hand.
She cried the entire ride, and Stewy thought that he had never seen someone look this sad.
His heart broke alongside hers.

She stopped crying as they arrived, but she didn't move to leave either.

"I don't think I can go in, she stated after five minutes.
"You can."
"No, she said,shaking her head.
The tears started to come again.
"Baby, you are incredible. If anyone can go in, then it's you."
She smiled a little but then started to sob again.
"What if he doesn't look like him? What if he looks like... a corpse?" She asked, and suddenly she was a little kid again.

"He won't. Look, call Roman or whatever; let him come and get you. I don't want you to be alone."
She thought for a moment.
"Yeah, I'll call him."

Roman answered on the second ring.
"Where are you?"
It was silent for a minute.
She was mustering up the courage to ask him.
"I'll come out,"Roman said before she could even ask.
"Thank you."

"He's coming."
"Good," Stewy said as he kissed her hand.
"Call me if anything happens or you want me to come and get you."
"And if I just want to hear your voice?"
"I'll be waiting for that call, baby."
She turned to open the door but kissed him first.
The kiss was soft and loving.
"Thank you,"she whispered.
"Not for that, babe."

She only waited for a few seconds until Roman arrived.
She saw the tears in his eyes and knew that she had to pull herself together.
"Sophie," he said as his voice cracked.
They hugged for a minute before Roman pulled away and wiped his tears away, pretending to be fine.
He turned around and walked into the hospital, and Sophie followed him.

"Sophie," Shiv said relieved.
She jumped off her seat and walked forward Sophie, with urgency.
The moment they hugged, Shiv became a little girl again. A little girl seeks solace in the arms of her big sister.
Sophie felt the tears coming to her eyes again.
They hugged for a long time until Shiv realised she wasn't a little child and pulled away.

"Shiv? you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah." She tried to deflect from their moment.
"Where is Ken?" Sophie asked.
"On his way."

They sat next to each other until Shiv left.

They hugged; it was awkward and clumsy.
"Let's go, she said after they pulled away.

Seeing their father—their world of a father—hooked on machines was a sight Sophie would never forget.
She knew all of them thought the same thing.

"What's the situation? Can somebody..." Ken began to ask.
"Excuse me."
"They're working on him," Marcia told him, stating the obvious.
"What is this part of the hospital?" Ken asked again.
"I mean, is this the best section?"
"Ken, please." Sophie tried to comfort him by putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Excuse me, Doctor? Is this the best part of the hospital?" Roman asked.
The doctor ignored him.
"Sorry. You know, we just need to know."
"The ICU is the ICU. This is the best place for him."
"Is this where you would take your father?" Roman asked.
"Rome," Sophie warned.

"I'm sorry. Can the team have some space? Please?" The doctor asked, irritated.
"Hey, here's an idea. Why don't you worry about the medicine, not the fucking feng shui?" Roman asked, irritated.
She thanked all the gods and higher powers when Connor stepped in.

She sat next to Connor and sighed.
As soon as Kendall opened his mouth, she zoned out.
She loved her siblings, but she couldn't handle them now.

She snapped back when a nurse came and told them to wait elsewhere.
Sophie jumped up and was the first one out.

"We have an area we can go to; I will get the others," she heard someone say.
"Oh yeah, thanks."

"So, look, take me through what happened exactly." Kendall practical demanded.
"I don't know exactly," Roman replied.
"It was weird. It happened fast; we were just sitting there."
"We were just talking." Shiv helped Roman out.
"Yeah, we were talking. Shiv kind of started hard-balling Dad a little bit."
"I wanted to hardball him," Shiv defended herself.
"And then... yeah, okay."
"A brain haemorrhage doesn't come from some chit-chat, asshole." Shiv defended herself from Roman again.

"Okay. I'm getting some water. Do you want something?" She asked Connor.
"No, thank you sugar."

Sophie got her water, but she didn't want to go back to her family.
No, she wanted to be home in bed with Stewy.
She stared at her water until her phone rang.

It was Deniz.
"Are you okay?"
"I could come if you wanted me to," he offered.
"No, there is no need."
They were silent for a minute.
"Could you cover me at work?"
"of course."
"Well, I have to go back now. Thanks for checking on me, Deniz."
he laughed.
"of course. I'll see you."

"What is that?" she asked Kendall when she finally went up.
"Uh, it's an ATN obituary. They want us to okay it in case they have to run it."
She looked at Roman, and he looked back. Sophie gave him a small smile.
"Is it nice?" Roman asked.
"I mean, it was made by his own news division." It doesn't say that he was a prick."
"It is a prick," she corrected.
"He's not dead yet." She touched Roman and Kend's shoulders and sat down next to Ken.
She put her head on his shoulder and watched the video with him.

Sophie heard her brother give Jessica instructions for an updated video, but she didn't listen.
She stared at the screen—at her father, her tormentor.
All these years, she wished him dead in truth, but now that it was so close...
She hated herself for ever thinking something like that.
Sophie loved him.

Ken felt her tears through his suit.
"hey, hey."
"What will we do, Ken?"
He pulled his sister closer.
"I don't know.

"Hm, PJ says, Aziz Khan at Mayo Clinic is the best there is," Roman told Ken.
"Sarah says Ann Wieman at NYU." Tom said.
"Ann Wieman? is that... That's not who I have." Ken answeres.
"Well, that's the name I have," Shiv replied.
"Can you tell Sarah to give her a call?" Shiv asked Tom.

"Or crazy idea, but we could stay here," Sophie said.
No one answered.

Sophie felt her phone buzz and stood.
As she answered, she saw a fruit basket.
"What is this? People are sending shit already," Ken asked.
"Who is it from?" Sophie asked.
"It is from Lawrence Yee at Vaulter."
"Call him and tell him it's not fucking appreciated," Ken said.
"Don't do that."

"Sophie," Ken said, shocked.

"Hey. What was that?"Stewy asked.
"Lawrence Yee, send us a fucking fruit basket."
"Shit baby."
a moment of silence.
"I know I told you to call me, but I was worried about you."
"No, I really need you, so thank you for calling."
"It's so fucked stewy. I hope my dad doesn't tell anyone about the thing we talked about."
"the CEO thing?"
"Yes. I might just be free from that burden. And if he wakes, I will make up some lies."
Stewy laughed.
"Look, you shouldn't worry about that right now."
Just as she was going to answer, she heard a voice call her name.

"Sophie," Ken's loud voice interrupted her phone call.
"I'll call you later."
"Yeah, of course. I love you, babe."
"I do too. bye."

"Before I talk to all of you, I wanted to come to you first," he started.
"Yeah, what's up?"
"I will be taking over for Dad, as you know, and the nominating committee wants to announce it."
"What now?" she asked.
"Yeah. I mean now-ish, so soon."
"Dad is still alive, so..."
Ken shook his head in a questioning manner.
"It's useless to announce it."
"Kenny, it should only be announced when he is actually dead."

She turned away from him.
"It's not the time to talk about this Ken. The others won't like this."
"Can you just support me?" he asked.
"I always do," she replied in a quiet voice.

Ken and Soph stood in front of each other.
She looked at her brother with sad eyes.
She hated what her father had done with her Ken. Maybe in another world, he could have been good, even happy.
But this world was not another.

"I'll go to the others, I think," she said after a while, leaving Ken, who was still standing there.

"Hey guys," she greeted her siblings.
"Hey," she heard both of them say.

She sat next to Roman.
Sophie looked up when she heard Connor's voice.
"It's gross," Shiv said as Con and Willa passed.
"Yeah." She had to agree.

"Kendall," she smiled at him. He didn't smile back.
"News is out." Rome showed his phone to Ken.
"Okay, right. Well," he said, looking at his siblings.
"So...listen... I don't even want to think about this, but I just spoke to the nominating committee, and...the thing is that the plan is to announce that I will take over from Dad."

like you didn't wait your whole life.

"Well, no."
Sophie tried to hide her smile.
"Excuse me? What do you mean?"
"I mean, we were waiting for the results of the scan. It's a pointless conversation," Shiv said.
"Okay, well, let's talk about it."
"I can't talk about it. I'm upset," Shiv replied.

Sophie moved her hand to Roman's shoulder.

"Hey. I'm upset," Ken said.
"Oh, not too upset to go and fucking plot with the suits."
Sophie never loved Shiv as much as she does now.

"Fuck you!"
"Shut the fuck up, Kendall."
"I could hardly hear them for the blood rushing in my ears," he said, ignoring her.
"Isn't there a plan anyway? Like," Shiv asked.
„Yes! Yes, there's a plan." Ken replied.
"That's what I'm fucking telling you."

"The plan is that Frank and I will take over."
"Frank was fired, so." Roman interrupted.
"yeah." Said both Shiv and Sophie at the same time.
"Okay. Well, I mean, let's discuss and just see where we are, right?" Kendall tried to reason with his siblings.
"I'm not doing this," Shiv stated.
"If Dad dies, I don't want to be talking about this shit when he dies," Shiv said as she stood to walk away.
"He won't die," Roman said this to no one in particular.

Shiv sat away from the three Roy siblings, and Kendall looked at Sophie.
"You could've helped me there. You should've supported me, Sophie." Ken said it in a tired yet bitter voice.
"It's all I ever do, Ken." She replied sadly.

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