Sad Sack Wasp Trap

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"Yes, exactly." She agreed.
Deniz had been telling, well complaining about a client when Sophie's phone rang.

She sighed and looked at her phone.
"And I thought it was weird that Ken hadn't called me all day."
Deniz laughed at her.

"Kenny, what's up?"
"Dad was here."
"And Frank is back too."
"I'm sure Roman is very happy about it." She said sarcastically.
"Yeah." He agreed.
"How was he?"
"Like Dad."

She felt like he wanted to say something but didn't.
"Kenny? Is everything alright?"
"Oh yeah. I just wanted to let you know."
"Thank you for thinking about me."
"Yeah well, I'll see you at the Gala?"
"Of course. I might come in tomorrow."
"Please do."

She smiled sadly.
"What happened."
"My Dad is back."
"What's good right?" Deniz asked.
"Yes. But I worry about Kendall."
"You always do."


"Hey, Jess."
"It's so nice to see you."

Jess liked Sophie. Maybe because Sophie didn't look down upon her like the rest of the Roys.
Sophie liked Jess. She could see wither devotion Jess put into her work.

"I'm looking for Ken."
"He is in the South Tank with Stewy."
Jess nodded.
"Thank you, Jess. I'll see you later."


"Ah, Sophie."

Sophie froze. She hadn't expected to see him here.

"You and I will talk later." His voice was cold.
"But now, you and I will go to Ken and his friend."
"If that was his name sure."

Sophie's heart began beating very fast. She was sure, she was close to a heart attack.
"Dad. Just talking about you" Ken said as the father-daughter pair walked in.
"Sir. Roy. Logan. It's just great to see you. How have you been?'' stewy asked.

Sophie was nervous.
"So you're the little schmuck who owns such a big chunk of me."
Stew laughed.
"Dad, it's Stewy. You guys have met, like, a million times"

"Soph, hey."
"Hey, ken" she smiled.
" Sophie Roy, how long has it been?" Stewy 'asked'
"Months. How have you been ?"

The way Stewy smiled at her, had the two other men in the room raise their brows, but they said nothing.

"Excuse me barging in, it's just Gerri told me I have a meeting with Opalite later, just to say, "I like it. Buy it. Ok, Ken?"
"Ok, good thought. I'll come to find you and we can discuss."

"Sure, but if I don't see you, I want it. "
"Okay..." Kendall and stewy began to laugh and Sophie knew this would go badly.

"Well, it's not necessarily the best option in the sector, so, yeah, but we can..."
"I want us into data mining. Bug it."
"It's a really flooded sector, ok?"

"Ken. Do what he wants " Sophie's voice found her again.
"It's a gold rush. Don't speak on things you know nothing about Sophie."
"Oh, yeah? And who wants gold?" their father asked.
"Make them an offer they get excited about. Make them an offer they want to tell their wives about it at night."

Greetings from hell • succession • stewy hosseiniWhere stories live. Discover now