Celebration II

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A/n:So stews will appear (for a bit) and this chapter really shows that Sophie is quite emotional/anxious ,though she doesn't show it

At the table, Sophie looked at the door anxiously waiting for Kendall.
When he finally arrived she smiled at him gave him a supportive nod and turned back to Connor who was telling her about water and gold.

Connor was unusual. Not like Ken or Rome at all but Sophie loved him fiercely.
She knew that out of all her siblings she loved and respected Con the most.
So when he talked she actually listened.

"Marcy. This was delicious. Thank you" Sophie heard Romans date say.
"Oh thank you,"Marcia said, a bit perplexed yet happily.
"Yeah, the whole day. Really thought.It's been great."
Roman and Sophie just looked at each other.
"Did she just say that?"Sophie mouthed at him.
Roman laughed at turned to tease his sister but Sophie couldn't hear it.

Frank tapped on his glass and said "Excuse me."
Sophie rolled her eyes. She despised speeches.

"Logan Roy."
"Burn in Dundee Scotland.80 years ago today, raised in Quebec by an uncle with a print shop and a few advertising billboards and an aunt with a herd of cattle. Logan, himself, has made a decent way for himself these past 60 years."

Roman and Sophie exchanged looks again. And then he went back to typing on his phone, Sophie just slid down her seat.
Frank wasn't saying anything they didn't already know.

"Fifth largest media conglomerate in the world.A pal to prime ministers, a truth-teller to presidents. He's tough,he's wily, but he is always true to his word."

Is he?

"I arrived to give him legal advice 30 years ago and I never got out the door."

And then Sophie stopped listening.
Her thoughts were wandering into more fun moments of her life.

Please get me out of here.

"So, let's raise a toast. Logan Roy."
Thank god.

"Logan Roy" everyone repeated.
"Thank you."
"So, I think it's time to play the game."
"We're playing the game?"Kendall asked his father.
Shiv laughed, and Roman and Sophie just smiled amused.
"Well yes," answered Logan.
"It's my birthday, so yes,we're playing the game."
"Do we have to play the game?"Shiv asked.
"What's the game?" Greg asked.
Everyone laughed.
"What's the game?" he asked again laughing as well.

"Hello James" she greeted her driver.
"Hello, Miss Roy I hope you're having a good time."
"I am thank you, James. You won't have to come pick me up later I'm driving him with my brother."
"Okay, Miss Roy."

The drive up was quiet. James had been her driver long enough that he knew she needed to be alone in her thoughts after a family event.

It wasn't as bad as it usually was for her. Maybe it was Deniz and his presence but he left so she hoped that it was something else.

Her phone vibrating pulled her out of her thoughts.
"I'll see you tonight, right?"
"Yes, definitely."

On the helicopter, Sophie sat next to Kendall.
For a few moments they were quiet and she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?"
He stared straight away and Sophie could only worry. She took his hand in hers and looked forward as well.

As soon as the helicopters landed, Sophie was on her way to get herself something to drink. Something strong if she was to talk to all those people.

Roman had the same idea.
"I can't Roman. I someone else comes to talk to me I will blow this planet up."
"Please blow this planet up."
"Do you think someone will start a speech again?"
"If anyone will, it will be Wambsgans."
Sophie rolled her eyes.
"What kind of name is that anyway?"
"I don't know, the name of a fuck-wit maybe?"
Sophie laughed loudly before trying to hide it.

"Shut the fuck up."
"You shut the fuck up," she replied to Roman.
"You're not very original."
"Shut up and start running bitch."
"What? What? Sophie calm down."Roman tried to calm his sister down but started to run anyway.
Sophie ran after him.
"You will not escape me, Roy. I will get you when you don't expect it." she threatened Roman in a joking manner.

Sophie was playing with her niece and nephew when she heard her father's voice.
"Okay, let's play ball."

Sophie stood next to her father. In the distance she could see her siblings, except Connor,talking.
She was sure it was about the trust.
They could try to fight it but they would lose.
Logan Roy always won, she had learned the hard way, and it seemed like her siblings hadn't learned yet.

"Sugar?" her father asked her all of a sudden.
"Should anything happen to me.." he started.
"Dad." she interrupted.
He held his hand up "Don't interrupt me. If anything happens to me I want you to come in."
"Come in? As in Waystar?"
"Dad technically I'm already in the company. Starco is just an offshoot."
"Sophie, you are the most successful of your siblings. Shiv and Connor have no experience, Roman is Roman and Kendall isn't ready to be CEO."
His voice told her that she couldn't refuse.
Suddenly all the freedom she felt with Starco was pulled away from her.
"Dad I will do what you ask me to do."
He smiled.
"Thank you, daughter."
"Yeah," she whispered.

Sophie excused herself and went into the bathroom. She needed a breather alone. She pulled herself together and went outside again.

She went to the chairs and sat on the armrest of Rava's chair.
"Where's Ken?"
"He left. someone called him," Rava answered.
Sophie sighed.
"Hey soph come here," she told her niece.
Sophie's namesake cuddled into her aunt.

"Who is that little boy?" she asked rava.
"The child of a worker. Roman offered him a million dollars if he hits a home run."
"What?" she asked appalled.

The boy started running.
"Goooo" Sophie cheered him on.
But soon she heard Roman's cruel voice screaming "no" condescendingly.

"Oh, no!"
"Shut the fuck up Roman," she screamed.
"Fuck off," he said to his sister.

"You were so damn close! That was to close! Oh my goodness. Oh that is so sad!" he said laughing at the boy.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I can't give it to you. That would have counted by the way. That was almost a home run if you went all the way. But it was a really good effort. Really"he said to the boy while ripping the cheque to pieces.
After that, she couldn't listen.

She noticed her father standing up and walking over to the boy.
Her father would have to clean up her brother's mess once again.

She couldn't handle it anymore, so she went to her father and told him she'd have to leave.

She texted a quick:" I'll be home earlier." and closed her eyes.

Back in New York, the car was already there.
She looked at the car for a moment as she felt tears well up.
She took a deep breath and walked to the door.
The driver opened the door for her and she said a quiet "thank you."

In the car, all the noises went away and she could let her tears flow.
"Stewy," she said relieved.
"Hey baby what happened?" his hands caressing her face
She pulled him into a hug and just shook her head no.

Only a few hours later her phone rang as she was telling Stewy all about the lunch and game.
"Who is it?" asked Stewy sitting up to see her phone
"It's shiv," she said confused as she showed him.
Shiv never called her.
"Hey, Shiv."
"It's Dad. He had a heart attack or something."Shiv said crying
"What? Where are you?"
She hung up after Shiv told her about the hospital.
"It's my dad."

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