Sophie Siobhan Roy

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Years earlier

Sophie waited for her brother to get down.
"Rome! We have to go."
"I'll be down, mom," he screamed to her.

She let down a fustrated sigh. She hated being late.
Expecially today.
Kendall and Rava had some announcements to make.

Ken and Rava had been married for awhile, yet they still didn't have children, to her father's dismay. Maybe Rava was pregnant,she thought.

Though it would be highly unlikely.

Her father insisted something was wrong with Rava, but after a test, it came out that something was wrong, but not with Rava.
Ken had a low chance of fathering a child the natural way and even with IVF the probability was low.

Roman,who had been staying with her for some reason, finally came down.

"There you are!" she exclaimed ironically.
"Shut the fuck up, mom."
She rolled her eyes playfully.
Roman was the most annoying person she knew, but she still loved him. Maybe she loved him most (selflessly).

"What do you think they want to tell us so desperately?"
"I don't know," she answered as they reached the car.

"Hello, James," she greeted her driver.
"Miss Roy, Mr. Roy. Where to?"
"Kens place."

"Rome,you are not funny."
Roman,once more,maybe her wait.
"I am sorry; I don't walk as fast as you. Are you on steroids?"
"Shut the fuck up, you cunt."
Roman gave her his signature slimy smirk.

She knocked on the door, and a maid opened the door.
Sophie greeted her while Roman walked straight ahead.

"Hello everyone," she greeted.
Her entire family was here, including Shiv's new boyfriend, Tom.

"Sophie." Her father greeted her and kissed her cheek almost lovingly.

She did not feel the envious eyes of her siblings.

Sophie went to hug her siblings,kissed Marcia and Tom on the cheeks, and sat next to Connor.

"Is this everyone?" Ken asked with a giddy smile.
He looked around.
"No. Where is stewy?" he said.
"Stewy? Why would Stewy be here?" sophie asked.

"Because he is Ken's best friend," a voice answered.
She turned around.
There he was, Stewy Hosseini.

He hugged Ken and gave her father,Tom, Rome, and Connor a handshake.
He kissed Shiv and Marcia on the cheek before turning to her.

He left her for last.

He leaned down to kiss her cheek as he did with Marcia and Shiv, but with her, he lingered.
And everyone noticed.

Stewy could feel the daggers Logan Roy was staring at him.

Kendall clapped to gain everyone's attention.
"So know that everyone is here; we have something to tell you."
Their father looked at his watch, and Ken's smile flattered a bit, but it soon overtook his face again.

"Where is Rava?" Shiv asked.
Somehow, Ken smiled bigger.

Rava comes out of a room with a smile equally as big as Ken's.
She had something, no,someone in her arms.

Sophie looked around with an ever-growing smile.
Connor had the same reaction as she did.
The rest of them were shocked.
But stewy.

He had a knowing glint in his eyes.
Instantaneously, he turned his head to face her.
He gave her a quick smirk and winked at her.
Stewy turned back.

"We adopted a-a child. A girl," Ken said.
Tears filled Sophie Roy's eyes.
She jumped from her seat and pulled Ken into a tight hug.
They pulled away and looked at each other.
Both of them had tears in their eyes.

"Girl?" she asked.
"yeah."he whispered.

"Son," Logan said.
He had never said "son" so lovingly.

Sophie turned to Rava and hugged her carefully.
"Congratulations!" she whispered to her.
Rava gave her the sweetest smile.
Sophie Roy looked at the baby in her sister-in-law's arms.

She baby talked to her as her family and Tom and Stevie gave their congratulations.

Ken took his child from his wife's arms and presented her to their father.
Sophie expected her father to say something problematic, yet he didn't.

He looked at the child softly.

Logan Roy didn't feel the envious eyes of his children.

"What is her name?" Logan finally asked.

"Sophie Siobhan Roy."

Tears filled her eyes again, and she could feel Shiv's hand on her shoulder.

"What?" she asked quietly.
"Sophie Siobhan," Ken replied.

Tears began to flow down her face as she ran her hands through her hair.
Shiv was shocked.
Sophie moved closer to her father, who held the baby.
She looked at the baby, then at their father.

Logan Roy had never looked so...kind, as all his children realized.
He handed her the baby.

"Hi, Sophie," she whispered to her niece.
"Sophie Siobhan," she repeated.

This might be the most beautiful scene I have ever seen in my entire life, stewy thought.

Shiv stood there, still shocked.
She gathered the courage to walk over.
Sophie looked up at her younger sister and handed her their niece.

Shiv and Ken looked at each other, talking with their eyes.

Sophie went on the balcony to get some air.
Shiv went after her.

The sisters stood next to each other.
Sophie looked at Shiv while she stared ahead.
She smiled and took Shiv's arm.

Shiv turned to her and gave her a real smile.

They smiled at each other before going back inside.

"I'm going home, by the way," Rome told her.
"Are you okay, Rome?" You haven't made an inappropriate joke since morning."
"I'm fine," he said, giving her a small, awkward smile.
"You can talk to me anytime," she said sincerely.
"Jesus, you are disgusting."
"There he is," she laughed.

Stewy's eyes were focused on her.
if only she weren't his best friend's sister.

"Well, I have to go soon," Sophie said.
"As do I. My driver is actually here. could drive you home." Stewy offered.
"Ah, sure, thanks."

The ride had been filled with the usual small talk Sophie and Stewy had.
but Stewy's looks had been different.

She hated herself for agreeing.
The way his hair looked,the way his beard was trimmed, and the way his trailing suit looked made her want to cry.

They finally arrived.
"Thank you for the ride."
"Yeah, of course."
She was about to exit the car, but Stewy kissed her on the corner of her lip.

"See you."

Sophie Roy knew in that moment she wanted Stewy Hosseini.

In the car, Stewy Hosseini knew that he would have Sophie Roy one day.
(He just didn't know he would fall in love with her.)

A/n: a quick one. I haven't been motivated to write anything but I am getting back into it.
Also we don't know what Sophie's middle name is in canon, so I just have her shivs name.
This might make the final episode/chapter more emotional in terms of Shiv and Ken's relationship.
Also sorry for the lack of Stewy!!

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