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A/n: so sorry that it took so long. I have been in a writing slump for Succession but I plan on pre writing some chapters, so it could take a while for a new chapter.
It's also quite short.

"Ken I swear if this isn't important I will end you."Sophie Roy announced.
"Thank you for coming in early."
"Ken no one is here. It's like 6 am so spit it out."
"We are in debt."
"Yes. Dad didn't want to tell anyone."
"How much debt?" Sophie asked frustrated.

Ken sighed.
"three million."
"What?" she almost screamed.
"How could he not tell us? how could it get so bad?"
"Sophie. I will handle it okay? I'm only telling you because you are the chairwoman."
She rolled her eyes.

"You know what I don't care. If you say you will handle it that you will but please don't make it worse."
Ken gave her an unimpressed look.

"I'm leaving now. You could've just told me on the phone or you know during normal hours."
"Why are you like this. Do you have your..."
"I will kill you, Ken. I am not kidding."

Still angry she cupped his face and kissed him on his forehead.
"Be safe, kid," he said.
"You be safe."


"Look who is back. Where were you?"Stewy asked when she arrived back at her apartment.
"Oh you know my CEO brother called and I just had to see him," she said sarcastically.

Sophie dropped her purse and hugged Stewy from behind.
"Yes, thank you."

"What did he want?" stewy asked as they sat around the table.
"Oh..." she was interrupted by her phone.
"Look who it is." she showed stewy her screen.

"Kenny, do you miss me ao much?"
"I'm going to talk to ICBC so should I be all Hulk on them or Bruce Banner? Rava said Hulk."
"Bruce Banner 100%," she said.
"Okay, thanks." he hung up before even saying goodbye.

"When do you think he will call me?" stewy asked.
"Oh soon."

He stood up.
"I have to go. I'll see you later?"
"I'll come over after work."


Sophie picked up her phone and dialled the number of James, her driver.
"James, prepare the car. I want to visit Marcia and my father."
"Of course miss."

The ride wasn't too long. Sophie lived quiet centre and was close to everyone who mattered.
"Thank you, James. I won't be long."

She said hello to everyone in the lobby before entering the elevator.
Ken called her again.
"Do you know where Rome is?" he asked.
"Yeah. He is with his trainer I believe."
"Personal trainer?"
"Yes, Kendall but I have to go now I'm at Dad's penthouse. Bye, love you."
now it was her time to end the call before he could day anything.

"Hello, Sophie."Marcia greeted her.
"Hey. How are you?" Sophie asked as they hugged.
"I'm fine how are you."
"Good. I just wanted to check up on you guys before I went to work."
"That is so kind of you."
"Do you need help or anything?"
"Oh no. The nurses are a great help. Your father is getting better, he is much clearer now. He even tried to put on a sock."
"Oh. That's great." Sophie said through a false smile.

"Marcia." a nurse called out.
"Oh I have to go I will be right back." Marica turned around.
"Ah your sister is also coming," she said before walking up the stairs.
"Great. I will just go to the kitchen," she screamed after Marcia.

she opened the fridge and took out the ice cream she liked.
the day was already shit and she didn't know if she could handle Shiv right now.

she was deep in her thoughts as she heard some commotion.
Shiv was here.

Greetings from hell • succession • stewy hosseiniWhere stories live. Discover now