an escape

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Just for tonight.

The words echoed in my mind as his lips pressed against the hollowed dip in my neck, trailing what seemed like waves of liquifying lava in the wake of his hungry mouth. Fingers intertwined, my arms were pinned down, sinking into the mattress.

A light sigh breezed through me, my back arching just enough to bring my stomach to press against his chest as his mouth descended further down, depositing a line of kisses right down my sternum. His hands slid away from mine, quickly gliding past my wrists to find their new home tucked along my breathless ribs.

Just for tonight.

My now free hand grabbed hold of his head, earning me a husky groan to escape him as my fingernails dug into his scalp, the vibration of his lustful vocalization vibrating my nipple as he took it into his mouth. Keeping the balance as soon as he was satisfied with one nipple, he coasted the valley between my breasts with his tongue before tasting the other.

"Fuck," my hoarse whisper filled the room, the mattress underneath me responding as I shifted my hips, my desire for him becoming a bit overwhelming.

His lips curled upwards in a mischievous smirk into my flesh, pleased with how sensitive I was, as he dove lower. Achingly slowly, he scattered hot kisses, making his way to my hips, hands following right behind, fingers squeezing the curves of my waist.

Just for tonight.

Just for tonight, we'd become each other's escape.

An escape from the darkness.

A release from the chokehold of burdening duties, our primary obligation now driving one another into the deep depths of pleasure.

Just for tonight.

Warmth emitted from my very core, and I knew he felt it as his mouth lingered so dangerously close, teasing the inner, soft spots of my thighs. His brown eyes met mine the moment his tongue made contact with the tender flesh, dragging it almost where he could bury his face into me if he went an inch further. Bringing his head down again, he blew a cool puff of air along the stream of saliva he'd created.

I groaned again, the back of my head flattening his pillow, my cheeks flushed pink with anticipation.

He was dangerously close to my wet entrance, and with each kiss, he crept closer, his hand pushed against my leg, slowly opening me more apart to kiss more of the inside of my thighs.

Just for tonight.

No strings attached.

Just for tonight.

His arms made their way to wind around my legs, fingertips now pressed into my warm flesh so he could unveil more of his meal by forcing my hips to spread a bit further.

When he paused, I dared to look down again, only to see an expression that could only be described as a silent plead, mouth hovering and ready to feast.

I said it for both of us in a hoarse sigh, "Please."

Just for tonight.

His fingers gripped tighter, leaving small indents on the soft skin of my thighs, perhaps leaving small bruises there later. A keepsake of the fire that would not let up between us.

I squirmed the second he tasted my clit, compelling another pleasure-filled moan to bolt from my agape mouth, his name following thereafter in a weak whimper. He was tearing me down into a mess of fanned toes and sweaty palms, his tongue flicking and teasing and not stopping until I'd had my fill of pleasure.

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