Good Boy

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Simon was never one to be into bondage.

From past traumas and missions that have gone awry, it was really never an interest for him as what should be a pleasurable experience... just wasn't.

But he didn't mind it rough.

And he definitely didn't mind you taking lead.

Your hands curled around his wrists like flesh-crafted handcuffs, pinning him down to the mattress beneath him.

"Feisty today, hm?" He asked, wicked delight gleaming in those chestnut orbs as he looked up at you.

You'd successfully gotten him on his back, the desperation becoming too much to just fuck the ever-loving shit out of your husband that you'd pushed him off and flipped your sweaty bodies in your favor.

You lowered your hips just enough to tease him, not quite taking him in all the way.

His eyelids fluttered in response.

A snicker rolled up your chest before you responded verbally, "Does that answer your question, love?"

His soft growl was enough to satisfy your question. The both of you knew that he could easily overtake your grip, flip you back over and then over again so your ass faced him, but he enjoyed you being on top far too much for him to admit out loud.

Even if your teasing drove him mad.

His fingers twitched in anticipation for what you might have planned. "That seems more of a taunt than a conquering."

Oh, he was asking for it. Wasn't he?

You slowly pulled him into you more, walls squeezing around his member intentionally to squeeze out the pleasurable torment.

"I can make it worse for you if you want. Don't test me."

With a lifted chin, you denied the kiss he ached for and savored the splendid way he squirmed when you got three-quarters down his shaft.

To make such an emotionally sturdy man like him curl his toes and beg for more, made you feel invincible – a force to be reckoned with.

"Yes, ma'am," he grunted out.

Your lips curled mischievously, and you finally gave him what you both wanted, him more urgently so.

"Good boy."

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