at peace.

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There you lay.

Hair sprawled so perfectly.

Eyes shut so enviously.

How you always slept so effortlessly, Simon would never know.

Maybe it was because he gave you as much peace as you gave him.

Maybe it was just your beauty, flawless and painless.

You made it look so easy.

He ran shaking yet deft hands through your loose curls, perfecting it a little more so no flyaway hairs spoiled this moment.

The back of his fingers accidentally brushed your cheek, and he had to suppress a shiver that threatened to crawl up his spine.


Normally so warm, he didn't know why you wouldn't have stayed the same now.

He expected your eyes to flutter open in the white cushions they'd placed you into – as if you were truly sleeping – but they remained closed.

"I guess this is it," he whispered only for your unhearing ears. What he would give for one more second to hear your angelic voice... there was no price tag for such a privilege that not even Death had control over, resurrection.

He continued, his throat tightening with emotions he normally didn't reveal, but with his back to the other sorrowful eyes and yours closed, it made it a little easier to allow himself to slip up. Just for you. Everything he did was for you, so why would this be any different?

"You were so strong, my love. So bloody strong." He cleared his throat as if that would make a difference. His hand framed your cheek, your face fitting so perfectly against his palm. For one last time, he had to touch you even if the temperature differences felt wrong. "I envy your strength, and whatever I may face from here on out without you will be nothing in comparison. I aspire to be as strong as you were, but I know I could never come close."

For a man who didn't quite know how to express his feelings just right, knew at that moment how to covey them then. A little too late, but if there was another realm or if you heard in some capacity, he hoped the words were relayed to you somehow. He hoped they reached you and that it would help you rest more comfortably.

Simon sighed as he studied every part that he could while time allowed it. Your hair color, your perfect lips that made him melt wherever you scattered kisses, your little mole on your collarbone, your hands, now clasped atop your stomach, that knew exactly how to massage the tightest muscles....

At least you were at peace now.

No more pain.

No more being thrown into the throes of misery life had the pleasure of giving.

It was all he could pray for now.

Your peace.

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