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He promised.

That promise captivated every single thought in your head as if he was whispering in your ear like that one night, leading you to his bed.

The bed that he still shared with his wife.

That he promised with whom he was getting a divorce.

Who was frustratingly beautiful and perfect and his.

Who wasn't you.

What was wrong with what you could offer him? What did she have that you didn't? Why did he lie about his marital status? What was so wrong with you that he didn't want to stay? Why did he lie?

Fury immediately flowed through your veins the day you witnessed them in public together, just passing by, arms linked.

He didn't notice you, why would he?

But you saw him, and that was all that mattered.

That was all you really needed to trigger that switch in your head to satiate that need for retribution. If he had taken the time to learn more about you, he'd know how quickly you could grow attached. Like a leech to a perfect patch of flesh.

Did he not feel guilty for his sins?

Off to deployments he'd go, and he'd be none the wiser every time he'd return home.

Until his dog disappeared.

But you wouldn't kill such an innocent creature. It didn't deserve the wrath behind your every move. No. It was just... the dog that you recently adopted looked eerily like his missing one.

His wife's gorgeous rose bushes, which she was so proud up, suddenly began to wilt no matter the last ditch efforts she went through to save them.

And every plant since then fell victim to her green thumb you'd amputated overnight.

Better them than her.

She came to you for advice as you ran the gardening shop down the street, given accurate instructions as you needed her to trust you.

So that Simon could know how much he'd ruined a good thing. Slowly but surely, you'd befriend his wife, it was a flawless plan.

Invite yourself over just so you could see the problem firsthand, but that was silly. You were the one who poured the bleach all over the shrubbery you'd grown so envious over. Never invite her over to your place. Too many questions would be asked about the dog. Somehow weasel yourself into the home to destroy their lives just as he had ruined yours.

You probably should have told him before all of this started that you had obsessive tendencies, but he should have told you the truth about his goddamn wife.

It was all his fault after all. 

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