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AN: inspired by 'Take Me Back to Eden' by Sleep Token. The different quotes that have been added work kind of like a conversation with the lyrics. 

Vessel: "We dive through crystal waters, perfect oceans

But no one told me not to breathe
And now the weightlessness recedes."

George Eliot: "What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined to strengthen each other and to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories."

The stresses of death had no hand in us being together this time.

No inspiration, nothing warranting this stress relief other than the fact that we wanted intimacy for intimacy's sake this time.

Indents pressed into my thighs. Hair between our fingers. Mouths roamed with no direction.

I watched him unwind before me as my thighs, well acquainted with how well he fit between them, squeezed against his hips, burying himself further into me. Damp kisses were scattered across my shoulders as if I were his empty canvas for a new constellation and teeth found just the right spots to make me sigh.

Eager lips caressed an ached throat. Hands found solace in soft tissue, luring out the softest moans. And where peaks met the valleys, that was where unyielding devotion climbed.

I stripped him of his title every time the divulgence of his name slipped through my quivering lips.

Only Death had the highest honor speaking those two syllables. A frequent visitor, Death, one he knew on a first-name basis. They both took and rarely gave. My hands cradled a thick ledger bleeding just as red as his, crowning me with privilege, and I was granted the highest honor of declaring his name as loudly or as quietly as I wanted while he gave me everything he possibly could.

I was his oasis in the cursed wasteland of war. Oracles spoke of us long before our existences were imagined. Prophets dreamt of our whispered conversations and fantasized about what occurred beneath rustling sheets. Parables taught lessons, using us as a means of a lecture: don't fall in love with fire.

Because while the illumination of flames could enhance revelation, it could burn away euphoria just as quickly.

Ancient ones confidently believed that we humans were descendants of beings with eight limbs. Four arms, four legs. Zeus feared them for they were too powerful, a force to be reckoned with even for him. So, he forced them apart, forever destined to find the other half of themselves.

I'd always considered there to be a hint of truth within the stories from different beliefs. All of them were created to teach others a valuable lesson and yet they had suspicious similarities.

God had made Adam out of dust while Prometheus molded the first human out of clay. In some capacity, the gods breathed life into our lungs and sparked our souls with imperfect brilliance.

We became catalysts for their creativity.

I let him swallow me whole, bringing me down into a place I could only describe as an abode built only for the blessed.

Elysium and heaven could describe the feeling to an extent, but they didn't quite caress my tongue like I wanted. Not until I found the right word:


Vessel: "And I don't know what's got its teeth in me
But I'm about to bite back in anger."

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