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"Hey, baby."

Your voice resonated from his earphones, captivating him immediately just like it was always did.


He knew that tone.

Maybe he shouldn't be listening to this voicemail while on the road, but he couldn't resist you or even refrain from hearing your mouthwatering voice especially when he missed your call on his way back from running a few errands.

Two hours max he was to be gone, and yet you were teasing him as if he'd been gone for a six-month deployment.

"I'm just sitting here, alone... and wondering if those two hours were actually going to be two hours, or if you were going to keep me waiting."

Thankful for the roar of the engine vibrating beneath him to cover the groan that rumbled his chest, he somehow managed to keep his eyes glued to the road as you purred in his ear.

"I just got you home, you know," you seemed to have been pouting when you said that. "Two and half months you kept me yearning for your touch, Simon, so we've got to make up for lost time. So, when you get home...."

This was bloody torture, and you knew it. Every expletive that Simon had in his arsenal rolled off his tongue. His mouth still savored the remnants of you from this morning, and yet here you were, making him squirm to taste more.

"...I'd like to spend the rest of the day with you in bed, having a repeat of what happened this morning. Except, I'll be wearing that purple set of lingerie you just got me. And I must say, I really like this color on me, Simon."

Using the red light as a brief moment of reprieve to adjust himself, your voice continued antagonizing him.

He was so close yet too goddamn far from home.

"I would send a picture, but you're on the road... and you better not be driving right now while listening to this. I'd like my husband to be in one piece with the plans I have for him when he gets home."

A threatening tease.

He thoroughly enjoyed the way you thought you could dominate him with a few warnings that only made him chuckle and his pants tighten at his crotch.

You may have had him wrapped around your little finger, but there was no denying the way he could have you in a puddle of your own juices in seconds.

'What kind of plans?' He mused, and he could only imagine what lay in store for him once he walked through the front door.

"What kind of plans, you may be wondering," your voice flirted alongside his curiosity. You just knew him too well, didn't you? "Well, I'm glad you asked, my love."

His breath hitched when you continued, hand unintentionally twisting the throttle out of excitement. Getting a speeding fine would not only make him later than originally promised, but he'd somehow have to hide his raging boner making his trousers uncomfortably tight in front of the police.

"You're just going to have to find out if you do like purple on me, and I'll have to remind you how much I missed you with my mouth, and I don't mean articulating it with words."

Another throaty groan filled the helmet just thinking about your perfect, provoking pair of lips wrapped around his throbbing cock. Either pair of lips he'd take, he just needed some damn relief from how your purrs drowned out the hum of his bike.

The way you chuckled playfully into the phone solidified your intentions. You knew he wouldn't pick up the phone, but the voicemail was too tempting for him to hold off.

"So, I'll leave you with that, babe. I'll see you soon, okay?" He could hear the smirk through the phone. "I love you."

'You cheeky, little minx.'

Weaving in and out of traffic, he would never admit to violating traffic laws, but he might've done so to get to you faster.

He's done worse things in life, what was a few ran red lights?

Almost not making it home unscathed while almost dropping the bike in the process of rushing inside, he ensured all of it did not go in vain as his stride never faltered in speed when he began his search for you.

You weren't far.

And you weren't wearing the purple lingerie you'd whispered in his bloody ear about.

Leaning against the kitchen counter, you faced him on the other side of the island with a spoon in one hand, a pint of chocolate ice cream enhanced with pieces of brownie in the other, and you were still wearing nothing but his shirt.


He hastened to close the proximity between you, and your sultry expression never wavered when his hands abruptly ended your indulgence of a sweet treat by slamming it onto the counter behind you, keeping his arms running by your sides to trap you there and his hips against yours to pin you against the counter.

He wanted to be the only thing in your mouth, damn it.

"Was the lingerie just a ruse to get me to hurry home?" His breath breezed across those lips he fantasized about wrapped around his stiff erection throbbing just for you, beneath too many layers of clothing.

His expression darkened with a familiar veil of lust, making your heart stammer, and your palms perspired as you clung to his forearms. "No," you replied once you found your voice, "What do you think I'm wearing underneath? Couldn't just walk around the house wit-"

The pressure of him pressing his arousal more into your hips rudely interrupted your explanation, and the goosebumps that followed his wandering hand made you shiver as it trailed up your bare thigh.

"Excuses, excuses, pet," he tsked. "If you're going to tempt me with said advertisement, I expect the product up front, yeah?"

Nudging his pelvis to the side enough to where he could sneak his hand between the two of you, his fingers dipped beneath the oversized shirt, hooking the lacy fabric with an impatient digit. His lips curled in a devious smirk as he felt how much moisture had already dripped out of you, dampening the panties, and it only widened when you let out a weak whimper.

"Not so brave now, are you?" Simon taunted lightly, the back of his finger brushing against your clit, forcing your teeth to dig into your bottom lip in a feeble attempt to suppress any other sounds from escaping you.

"Hm." He paused. "Be a good girl and use your mouth like you promised. Show me how much you missed me."

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