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I was late.

So ungodly, embarrassingly, late.

Work had run me into overtime despite my complaints, and now I was about to miss one of the most important events I'd promised I wouldn't miss.

With still being an hour away, the ceremony would end twenty minutes prior to me arriving, and everyone would be tapping out their loved one they missed, and then he would be the only one left, leaving another soldier to do it for me, and then I'll break his heart and-

My foot pressed the accelerator into the flooring, pushing an illegal limit that would involve more than earning myself a ticket.

He wouldn't have to know how fast I'd gone.

I kept the radio off; I didn't need any more distractions than I already had with my overwhelming stress of being impossibly late.

Swerving in and out of traffic like some Grand Theft Auto heist, a game of Frogger, surprised that I hadn't been pulled over yet for my reckless driving.

Once again, he wouldn't have to know.

Still dressed in scrubs, no more time was allotted for anything else with the speeding only shedding off ten minutes, I tore the seatbelt off and practically took flight the second I twisted the keys out of the ignition.

Ten minutes late, better than the twenty I originally had determined.

One other soldier waited with him, neither of them had been tapped out yet, and I practically flew across the courtyard, past the other families that remained.

My stride wasn't quick enough, my legs didn't burn enough.

'Faster!' I mentally screamed at myself.

As he was arm's length away, I jumped.

Arms wrapped around his neck and legs wound around his waist, I breathed in cologne I hadn't dowsed myself in months. Much more muscular arms than I remembered last wasted no time in bringing me in closer, warm palms on my back tightening the embrace.

"I'm sorry I'm late," I half-sobbed into him, tucking my forehead into the crook of his neck, fingers gripping onto the back of his uniform.

He breathed out a sigh of relief. "You made it."

"Of course, I did. I promised. Work kept me longer and-"

He cut me off, "Shh. You're here now, and that's all that matters."

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