Chapter 8: The Root Cause Of Poverty (Part 4)

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Tejasraja cleverly asked the answer to this question to King Ballabha Kumara.

"First of all, I do not have the treasure of Kubera, if I had, there would not have been a sign of poverty in my kingdom. The second thing is that the question has been asked to you, not to me." The king clearly said.

King Ballabha Kumara was unaware that he provided Tejasraja with what he wanted.

"If a great king like you does not allow anyone to remain poor, then how can I let it happen? I would also make everyone rich." Tejasraja narrated the answer of the king as his answer.

Tejasraja looked at Krishna Chandra as if he already won the verbal battle.

"Prince, now you understand why I did not want to argue with him. Only one-word answer was asked, 'yes' or 'no', but the great scholar Pundit Ji spent so much time on that." Krishna Chandra said.

Keshava Kumara laughed and everyone who liked aacharya Krishna Chandra smiled.

"Well...very well answered Pundit Ji, now tell me why our country is so poor? Muslims have only one Allah but in our Aryavarta, there are millions of Gods. You, people, say that even a leaf does not move without the will of God, so why did such a powerful Lord make his devotees poor? Let's suppose he created poor unknowingly, but why did he keep his devotees poor throughout their lives? Does your Lord want to keep everyone poor except Kshatriyas, great Brahmins, great scholars, zameendaaras, sunaaras (goldsmiths), and sahukaaras? Doesn't it indicate that God belongs only to the rich and not to the poor? God is partial. In fact, all Gods are partial because by making only a few hundred people rich, they are keeping the rest millions poor for ages. Your all millions of Gods do this. All those Gods make sure that they must worship from time to time. Even to poor have to make offerings to them. They push people to observe fast for them. They push them to take holly baths. If anybody said no, they punished him. But when you ask them to make me rich,

all Gods are invisible, and even after performing the biggest Yagya they are not is clear that all million Gods do not have feelings for the poor. Mahapundit Ji, tell me, Why is this happening?" Krishna Chandra asked.

Krishna Chandra pretended as he asked a question, but in reality, he did not give time to Tejasraja to speak as he already understood Tejasraja would not reply quickly.

Krishna Chandra said all in one go because he knew understanding entered in mind rhythmically.

The whole court was astonished because no one ever thought so.

Now all eyes were fixed on Tejasraja. His answer was very important but the great scholar Tejasraja could not get any answer.

"Great scholar, please answer. I accept that you don't have Kubera Ji and his wealth, but all God has. Why didn't they make everyone rich? Mahapundit Ji, just tell me, why the poverty hasn't been removed yet? The poverty has been going on since the time of Lord Ram?" Krishna Chandra said sarcastically.

At first, Tejasraja was astonished too, because he never thought like that. Later he reminded himself that he was in a verbal war, so he had to give his opinion.

"Have you ever listened to the second birth?" Tejasraja asked.

Krishna Chandra knew what kind of facts Tejasraja going to present.

"Yes great Brahmin lord I listen about that." Krishna Chandra replies.

"Our bodies are temporary but our souls are permanent. Whenever we die our soul is transferred into another body and we take a second birth. That birth may be human or any other animal, but the second birth is confirmed. So when we take a new birth our account of the first birth shifts into the second birth. Poverty and richness came from previous births." Tejasraja said as all pundits say.

"Okay, it means all rich people of our age had done some good deeds in their past lives. Am I getting it correctly?" Krishna Chandra asked.

"Yes, you got it right," Tejasraja replied without thinking as he knew that for ages.

"It means all poor were sinners in their past life?" Krishna Chandra asked.

"Yes, this is true." Tejasraja accepted it.

"So what is the role of God in it?" Krishna Chandra asked.

"What do you mean?" Tejasraja asked as he did not understand his question.

"Let me take you to the past life of a poor person. Once a person was rich. He did some wrong deeds, by which he was born poor in his second life. The almighty God did not stop him from doing wrong deeds in his first life. Then what was the role of God in that person's life? Because only you pundits say that Not even a leaf moves without God's will. If that is true then it was God who gave the signal to that person to do wrong deeds. It means God wanted that the person born poor in his next life." Krishna Chandra asked while explaining.

Words stuck in Tejasraja's mouth. He felt like that question was out of the syllabus. Just like his father, he understood Krishna Chandra was not just a scholar, he was a thinker too.

Krishna Chandra waited for some time but Tejasraja did not say anything.

"This is nothing else but a master move by Pundits to save them from accountability. Put the blame on a person's past life and relax forever. Pundits know very well that no one can visit past life to check whether they were doing so, as Pundit says or not." Krishna Chandra explained the cruel reality of Pundits.

Keshava Kumara and many others could feel the reality told by aacharya Krishna Chandra.

"What do you want to say? God does not exist? Are the holy texts, Vedas, and the Puranas false?" The king asked curiously.

Tejasraja felt relieved when the king joined the discussion.

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