Come Fly With Us

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, assorted teenagers, and the occasional kid with unrestricted internet access. Welcome, to season three of Total Drama!"
The cameras were rolling as Chris McLean stepped into their view on an airport runway.

"We're putting your favourite contestants, and my favourite kids to torture, back into the spotlight to bring you a season of travelling around the globe for another ONE. MILLION. DOLLARS!"
He pointed at the cameras, then held up a suitcase that was clearly stuffed with cash.

A bus slowly rolled its way into the frame, sputtering before silencing to Chris' right.
"Unfortunately, I can't hog all of the screen time, even though I deserve it. So, say a good welcome back to your favourite outdated teen stereotypes; Gwen, Courtney, Heather, Duncan and Leshawna!"

The five smiled at the camera as they stepped off the bus and onto the tarmac. It felt so weird seeing them in person on the way here.
Heather had her new hair tied into a short ponytail, before whipping it in Gwen's face as she turned to face the camera again.
The two bickered, somehow bringing Duncan and Courtney into the mix, before Chris shut them up.

"But wait, there's more! Here's Lindsay, Owen, DJ and Harold!"

DJ's strength was impressive, a marvel actually, as he carried Owen off of the bus.
Owen's voice was in permanent distress. Him and flying didn't gel well, you saw that in season one.

"And, coming back from reality show history, because I've seen the fan mail: Noah, Cody, Ezekiel and Tyler!"

"Great, a runway. I can't wait to get run over for our first challenge."
"I think we're just waiting for the plane, eh?"

"Thanks homeschool, I couldn't have figured that out on my own."
Noah started walking away from the conversation, leaving Ezekiel by the front of the bus.

Noah was someone you didn't really get yet, considering how little of him was in the first season. You had a rough idea though, and he seemed to be living up to it already.

"Along with our final old school players, Izzy and Bridgette!"
A scream from Izzy and Ezekiel mixed together as Izzy jumped onto his shoulders and knocked the two onto the ground, with Tyler and Bridgette falling with them.

The fifteen returning contestants were all on the runway, it was just you and the two other newbies left...
You started feeling nervous, before refusing to let it get to you.

You came here to win, you needed to suck it up.

"Because I'm me, I hear all of you talking about the words 'old school' behind your TV screens. This season, we're inviting three new competitors to come play with us! You heard me, three. Making eighteen teens that are now boarding for a trip to one million big ones!"

Chris got closer to the bus, so did the cameras. You hid out of view from them by shifting to the other side of seats while waiting for your debut.

"He's an honour role student, with a diplomat for a dad, and an amazing ability to charm the pants off of most species. Alejandro!"
Chris' hands pointed to the tanned Spaniard that got off the bus, quickly swooning the girls he helped up off of the ground.

"I like girls..."
Oh, and Tyler too.

"Next, she's a sugar addicted super fan, with at least sixteen Total drama blogs. I'm not searching for the rest of them, but she sure is. Sierra!"
She almost jumped out of the bus to greet everyone, waving and yelling as she ran up to Cody.

The two of you actually sat together on the bus ride there. She talked about Cody. Too much about Cody. You told her that it was a good idea to not swarm the contestants, but she clearly didn't listen.

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