Mr McLean's Bullet Train

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Not only were you in Japan, you were in Tokyo.

A city of neon lights! The capital of the country.
Your eyes started to fill with stars.

The plane lifted off quite late in the day, and the ten hour flight meant you were chasing the moon, landing right as the sun was on the verge of setting, lighting up the mega city with limitless colours.

You almost forgot what you were supposed to be doing, until two fingers snapped in front of you to bring you back to earth again.


"Fellow competitor, do not be distracted, the challenge is about to begin."
His smile was hauntingly infectious, you nearly felt like smiling back wasn't your choice.

You walked up next to him, and looked at Chris, as he was ready to explain your very first challenge, at your very first destination.

"Hello, kids! Good to see that none of you died on the way here, or fell out or anything. Your first challenge will be here in Tokyo, the city of lights!"
Chris smiled, and held a selection of papers in his hand.

"Actually, the city of lights is Paris-"
"No one cares, Harold."
Harold looked down at the floor, and you avoided looking at him to make him feel better.

"On these pieces of paper are three staple Japanese souvenirs, your mission is to find all of them as fast as possible, and meet me back here, at Shibuya station. Here, you will receive a ticket to board a bullet train, which will sort you into your teams and take you to our next part of today's challenge."
The paper was maybe the size of a postcard, with three images printed onto it.

"Sounds good, but where are our maps?"
Gwen asked,

"And how are we supposed to read anything here? English is nothing like Japanese!"
Bridgette commented.

"That's for you to figure out, this is a challenge after all. You should have brushed up on your languages before you agreed to travel around the world"
That sick grin spread across his face again. He enjoyed the reactions you all made at any sign of difficulty in this game.

"Now, three, two, one. GO!"

Watching people group into teams, you struggled to find someone who hadn't already paired off with anyone else.

It seemed that Alejandro was going alone though, and that was certainly an option for you.
You looked at the souvenirs again:

-A lucky cat
-A hand painted fan
-Traditional mochi

You turned the card over, noticing some money taped to the back, before sliding it into your pocket and coming up with a plan.

————— RECORDING HAROLD... ————

"Japan! Yes! I know everything about this place! I went to sensei Steve's feudal Japanese summer camp!"

"DJ and Leshawna followed me, probably because of my mad skills. That, or the muscle I've been building for my fair Leshawna has finally started to become noticeable."

————— RECORDING Y/N... —————

"Being here is amazing, I've always wanted to visit Tokyo! It really sucks that I'm not supposed to take in the views for too long though."

"Great thing is, I've actually studied Japanese. The language is pretty easy to pick up if you're good at that sort of thing. I wasn't, but hey, pirated manga isn't going to translate itself."

"All I need to do is find a tourist trap store and I'll find everything immediately. This challenge can't be that hard."


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