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You quickly set up a camera against a pile of empty notebooks and hit record, taking a deep breath in and running through your script again.

————— RECORDING... —————

"Hey Chris! I'm Y/N."
You cringed a bit over how basic your intro was.

"I figured you wanted a player for your game that was reasonably well rounded, and a good team member. So I came here to be the exact opposite."

"Then again, I could be lying. It's your call on whether you take the bait or not."
You looked at your nails while you spoke, to make it seem like you had something to do.

"I know that in reality, you're looking for people that would start drama. I'm here to tell you that there's more to me than meets the eye."

"Want to know more? Well then, you're going to have to call me back. You want interesting? I'll give you interesting..."

"Buh bye!~"
You stretched forward and hit a button in front of you.


The camera made a beeping noise as it shut down, now all you had to do was port it to your computer and attach it to an email.

This was a dare, a completely irrational decision.
You'd be thankful if they didn't call you back, to be honest.

But, fifty bucks said you wouldn't. You were skint enough to go for it.

You sighed, thinking the recording was good enough as it was, and fiddled with the SD card before slotting it into your hybrid USB.

You wrote a minimal email, thinking that Chris McLean wasn't the type to read, which was why he wanted you to send videos instead.
And... with a push of a button, the file was sent.

Looking back at it, you wish you wrote something more interesting. You wish you said something more interesting too...

Watching the first season of Total Drama, admittedly fifty bucks richer, felt sad to you. You should've taken it more seriously.

But, it was too late now.
The fan pages were thriving, the audience was bloodthirsty for more, and with a celebrity manhunt special airing this evening, you felt your ticket to one million had officially expired.

Two years on from submitting that video, you were still thinking about it.
God, you were lame.

At least you had graduated school.
Now the summer beckoned you, waiting for your results to arrive left you with too much time on your hands.
It made you antsy.

Scrolling through internet forums was getting boring.
There was only so much online discourse you could take before you mushed your head through the screen of your laptop anyway.

The burning for more to do was eating at you. None of the jobs you applied for had sent an email back, either.
You were broke, too. No shopping, or cinema, new video games or new books for you.

You were desperate for something to numb the screaming desire to start clawing at your walls...

Honestly, it felt like you had to have manifested the sudden interruption at that point.

Your phone quickly buzzed next to you, jumping up and down on the table to get your attention.
Flipping it over, you realised it was an unknown number.

A phone call from an unknown number.
...Screw it, what's the worst that could happen?

You echoed down the line.

"Hi, I'm calling you on behalf of FreshTV about the casting position you applied for. Is this Y/N L/N?"
A clear voice rung through your phone.

"Yes... that's me. I don't remember-"
Then you were silenced.

"Awesome, I'll connect you with the person who asked for you, have a good day!"
Then the line fizzed, before scratching its way onto a looping jazz track.

You looked out the window at the stupid town you were stuck in, listening to copyright free jazz playing through your left ear.
It was the same track every company played to dampen the wait time.

you wondered what your friends were doing...

You had just started getting used to the noise, until-

The voice was so loud on the other side that you flinched your hand back and smashed it against your desk. You audibly cursed, slamming your hand over your face to shut you up before you embarrassed yourself more. The guy on the other end laughed, at least he found it funny.

"Oh, sorry! Was I too close to the mic? Is this any better?"
You knew that voice...

"Yeah, thanks. You sound like Chris McLean."
You chuckled, imagining he probably got that a lot.

"Maybe because I am,"
His signature laugh registered in your head and suddenly you flushed in embarrassment.

"Listen. I'm here to talk to you about Total Drama. I got your email a couple years back, and thought it was AWESOME."

"I wanted to get you onto the show, but at that point we'd already seen the twenty two kids that made it on the actual gig, and legal didn't want to pay for the contracts of any more contestants."
His voice honestly didn't feel real. He actually always sounded like that?

"Right, go on."
You continued,

"Good to know you're still with it. Season three is being recorded this summer, and the producers are letting me write three new contracts. I've got two other kids in mind, and I wanted to ask if you would be number three?"
You could tell he was smiling through the tone of his voice.

This was actually happening.
Oh my god.

A chance to get out of this stupid town?
A chance to be on the show you applied for all those stupid years ago back when you were sixteen?
One. Million. Dollars?

It was an answer to all of your problems.

You softly inhaled and called into the microphone,
"Count me in."

A grin spread across your face as you heard a chuckle on the other end,
"I can tell I'm going to like you already. You put all of your important information in the email you sent us, so I'll be sending an employee to go through your contract with you and make you sign an NDA. From there, we'll tell you where you need to be for takeoff. Sound good?"

"Yeah, sounds great."
You smiled.

"Awesome, try really hard not to die before we can get to you, you're going to make great TV!"
Shortly after, the line was cut.

The room fell silent. It all happened so fast...
You put your phone down on your desk again.

Dear lord, what did you just do.
You stood in shock for a second before screaming with joy, jumping up and down and almost sending yourself through your bedroom floorboards.

You needed to prepare.

You were only a small fan of the show, watching it when it aired and not much else. But now, you didn't have long until you were going to be shoved in front of a camera with the twenty two other teens that passed their auditions the first time round.

For now, you had an advantage and you were going to make use of it.

Opening your laptop suddenly had meaning again, so did the empty notebooks you collected that previously had no purpose.
A confirmation email after the phone call gave the location you'd meet at to sign your life away.

You had three days until then. Then a week until you were set to leave.
What were your friends going to think?

You deserved way more than fifty bucks for that stupid dare...

Who cares? You were going to be fighting for a chance at one million instead!

You laughed to yourself.

Wow, you were an idiot...

A Lap Around The World | Noah TD x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now