Reef Me Alone!

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You slowly sank back into your seat and enjoyed the view of the sky as the plane flew though it.

Ah, first class.
This, was the high life.

Even Noah sitting next to you again couldn't kill your mood.
But, that didn't really matter. He had his head in a book anyway.

————— RECORDING NOAH... —————

"Sure, Y/N isn't on my good side. But, she's quiet when she's on her own, since she's so busy staring out of the plane windows all the time."

"I don't get it. I like the window seat, but that's just because I don't like talking to people."

"Anyway, when the rest of the team are being annoying, I can at least guarantee that the seat next to them is quiet."


It was a rougher first night than you would have liked.

You'd never properly slept on a plane before, and being surrounded by people you didn't fully know yet, even if they were nice, wasn't easy.

Especially when the guy you didn't like was so close to you.

But, you had his guaranteed immunity. You also didn't want him to know that.
So, for now, the best thing you could do was go with it.

Making a relationship with the person who connected the least with the team meant you would have a buffer to protect you from being voted off during the team phase.

Getting closer to Noah would make him easier to blindside in the later game.

But for now, you could enjoy the fact that you had won.

You'd doze in and out, but shudder yourself awake whenever you felt as if you were falling back asleep.
Your challenge was about to start at any minute, and you didn't want to feel sleepy for it.

Quickly standing up, you excused yourself to go to the bathroom. Splashing your face with cold water, you looked into the mirror to make sure you were at least somewhat presentable, before the view from the bathroom window caught your eye.


You had to stop losing yourself to the landscapes from the plane, but you had just caught a view of Uluru.

Hopefully you'd be landing there. In preparation for your next challenge you changed your leggings and sat back down next to Noah, smiling at him as he turned away from you.

"What's got you in such a good mood?"
Noah asked, not letting his head leave the book he was reading.

"Just excited for the next challenge, thanks for asking."
He didn't need thanking given the tone he had while questioning you. But, reciprocating your sarcasm wasn't going to win him over.

"Alright, potential crash victims! Get ready to start your next challenge! Meet me in the cafeteria in five!"
Chris was speaking over the intercom and it brought the rest of the plane to silence for a split second.

You stood up and stretched, letting Noah out of his seat before you started walking.
You decided to consider it an act of chivalry, despite the fact that, that wasn't your intention in the slightest.
You just wanted to stretch.

"You're so kind,"
Noah huffed.

"No problem,"
You didn't huff back.

God, considering how little you liked Noah, you sure thought about the way you acted around him a lot.

A Lap Around The World | Noah TD x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now