Dance till you're dead

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Putting the contest winner in the chapter instead of using the banner because it keeps glitching for me, lol!

Putting the contest winner in the chapter instead of using the banner because it keeps glitching for me, lol!

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This chapter's winner is @Duwuki with this awesome piece showing off their Oc Noa!

Have fun reading,
See you all soon!

-Taco <3


It was quiet on the plane. Scarily quiet.

The original eighteen contestants had been cut down to five. You all had a twenty percent chance of walking away with one million dollars.

Heather, as vicious as ever, used her words and her strategy to work her way to the final five. Having just sent Gwen and Courtney home and making sure Owen got the boot in Brazil, she now stands as the last remaining player from Team Amazon.

Alejandro, willing to use his wit, charm and lack of reputation to single-handedly be responsible for at least half of Team Victory to get kicked off the plane and forcing his team to vote off Izzy instead of him. Along with creating several schemes to cheat his way to the top, he easily had the biggest target on his back.

Noah, the nerd who was the third to leave back in season one, who had managed to barely survive until the final seven, but with his new found strategy with Heather seems to be getting his footing into the game as he kicked off two of the strongest competitors in one fell swoop, fully destroying any majority alliance on the plane, aside from his own.

Then there was you. So far you'd used skill, honesty and strategy to push your way up to the last few standing. Chris even said that due to your solid reputation, you were suddenly one of the favourites to win considering the popularity poll the aftermath had last episode. You even kicked the used-to-be sexist Ezekiel in the chest and sent him home.

Finally, there was-

—————RECORDING DJ—————

DJ is curled up in a ball on the toilet seat, sobbing into his hands.

"Momma, this is just like season two. I had no idea Alejandro was going to cheat, he said that coat was a gift from his grandmother..."
He goes quiet, sniffles, and wipes his face as a new look of determination sets in.

"That's it. I don't care if Alejandro targets me for the rest of the game. He's kicked off over half my original team and competed in the challenge that sent Lindsay and Tyler home. I'm the last one of us standing and I'm not going to fall to him."

DJ managed to hype himself up enough to stand and face the camera, raising one of his fists into the air.
"This is for you Team Victory! I will not let him take me down!"


DJ opened the door to the confessional after washing his face, to cover the fact that he had been crying just before. But, when he stepped out into the hallway to the economy class, he jumped in his skin.

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