The Actual City of Lights

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When your eyes opened again, you felt your body sinking into the plush chairs in first class, and every inch of you was begging to never ever leave.

You remembered what happened last night.
Your new alliance.

It had felt like ages since you were awake again.
It looked like ages too, considering the how drastically the view outside the plane window had changed.

The plane was still, you weren't in the air.
A ring over the intercom said that you had been on the ground for a few hours now, and the camera crew were currently waiting for filming permission around central Paris.

Paris, France.
The actual city of lights.
The city of love too.

You could only imagine how Sierra would have reacted if she was still here, and how miserable Cody would have been.

You groaned as you sat up, fatefully disconnecting yourself from your semi-conscious state, and rubbed the sleep from your eyes.

"Finally, you're awake."
Noah huffed, you'd forgotten you were sat next to him when you fell asleep.

But, what was better was that Alejandro had appeared to have left the two of you alone.
Plus, a mug of your favourite hot drink was resting on the table in front of you.

"That's for you, by the way. Consider it an apology for biting you yesterday."
He spoke softly, the morning still lingering on his voice, making it deeper than normal.

"How did you know it was my favourite?"
You asked, before sliding your fingers through the handle and taking a sip. Just the right temperature to keep drinking.

"I'm observant. Unlike you half the time."
He snarked, and you rolled your eyes, looking at him since your eyes were bored.

Noah wasn't an idiot. He knew sleeping in a shirt and sweater vest of all things would be uncomfortable, hence why he didn't.

Seeing him without them on was weird though, like part of him was missing. It was just the white shirt he wore underneath.

Man, this drink was good.

You could also feel yourself getting distracted, looking at the way certain lights from the plane windows made parts of Noah's skin turn golden.

You thought about drawing it.

"Stop looking at me, I'm not that attractive."
Noah scoffed, and then you realised you were staring at him as you lost yourself in your train of thought.

"Yeah, sorry, I zoned out."
You looked away and took another sip of your drink, waiting for him to finally put his vest on again.

"No comeback?"
He slid the book he was reading into his bag, and sat back down, his normal outfit now on, including his stupid blue shirt.

"No, too tired."
You replied, rubbing the bridge of your nose in an attempt to get you awake again.

"You might want to work on that, we've got a challenge coming up soon."
Noah smirked, before leaning back into his chair, trying to get a few more minutes of comfort before the two of you were tortured on international television.

Smiling to yourself, you let your drink warm up the palms of your hands.
You caught the tiniest bit of the Eiffel tower in the corner of your window, thinking about how illegal it was for the plane to have landed in such a busy part of the city.

The view was worth it though.

"Hey, Big O! We're in Paris, the city of looooove~!"
Izzy barked from the first class bar, wrapping her arms around one of Owen's.

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