All's fair in Love and War

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TW: Vomit. Lots of it, too.

Waiting for the challenge was the worst. The tension you felt was biting and gnawing at you. The only person who understood why was Noah, who was busy with his nose stuck in the book he was reading.

You didn't want to be in economy class anymore, but if everything went successfully, you would have to be here for at least another day.

You were slowly losing sleep as you kept stirring in the night.
Antarctica, the sound of the other contestants, your own stress.

Eventually, you were going to snap, but not before Alejandro was gone.
Today was the day, whether he liked it or not.

'Let's run over the plan again' You thought.

You were going to enter the challenge and work with Noah to lose on purpose.
You had to somehow convince Owen and Izzy that Alejandro was the one to blame.
Not only that, but you had to keep on good terms with the rest of the cast after voting Alejandro out.

In the end, it was going to be better for them.
Because if Alejandro makes it to the merge, your chance at beating him becomes almost impossible.

Honestly, you had survived worse.
You liked those odds.

But, there was one crucial thing you needed to do.
You needed to expand your alliance.

Noah was a good teammate, he listened well enough. But for this plan to work, you needed another pair of hands on the outside, and you had just the right person in mind.

You stood up, away the economy class benches, causing Noah to almost jump but you paid it no mind.
Alejandro had snuck into first class to flirt with Leshawna and play nice with DJ.


Your shoes made a loud thud across the metal floor, until they were in front of a pair of high heeled wedges.

A short ponytail, shorter shorts and a crop top prone to being ripped off.

The queen bee.

"What do you want, loser? Go play with your boys."
She sat back and crossed her legs, increasing her defences.

"I want a chance to talk with you. In private."
Your face was flat, but there was enough intent in your eyes to sway her.

You could hear her exhale, it was almost as if she knew this was coming.

"Fine, only because I'm bored though."
She winded down the tube of lip gloss she was using and snapped the lid shut, before standing up and leaving economy.

You refused to look back at the other contestants, you knew how sketchy the situation looked. But, as long as Alejandro didn't know, it didn't matter.


"Finally! I've been waiting for this interaction all morning."

"A chance to cause drama, without being the centre of it! It's like gossip, but with all of the perks, and none of the drawbacks."

"But, I still need to play hard to get. It's just not fun otherwise."


"Heather and Y/N walking off to talk? It surprised me too. But, at least it got Heather away from me for a bit."

"You should have seen the jealous look on Noah's face! Priceless! He's crushing hard."

"Ten bucks from Leshawna, here I come!"


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