Oak, Pine and a Handful of Norse Men

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Sleeping in economy was the worst. Luckily, Owen was still there to accompany you, and he was happy to let you keep falling asleep on him.

The smell was occasionally a problem, but you'd unfortunately become used to it.

You groaned as you woke up,
"Alright, I can never remember the character limit... Pretty sure it's a hundred and forty."

As you sat up to stretch, you hit your head on the back of the plane.
God, it really hurt, but you made a conscious effort not to make any noise.
You didn't know if you were one of the first awake.

You heard a small chuckle next to you, and you didn't even need to look to realise it was Noah.

You leaned forward and caught most of the other contestants sleeping, meaning you really had to be quiet... Well, as quiet as the plane would let you be.

"Update: Noah and Y/N are slowly getting closer. Cody snored fifty six times since I woke up..."

"No we're not, but ok."
You chuckled at a whisper, before Sierra simply shrugged and turned back to her laptop.

You excused yourself, and started to walk to the cafeteria to make sure you didn't disturb anyone. Plus, the silence from Sierra's ramblings was appreciated.


"Noah is easily one of the most popular players in the series in my blogs, but he's no Cody. Though, nobody really knows anything about him, especially after his job as Chris' assistant."

"Same goes for Y/N, since she's never competed before."

"Together, they're one big mystery! But, I bet the shipping blogs are going insane right now, especially after the argument they had! Maybe there's going to be a blog about me and Cody!"
Sierra giggled to herself, thinking about ship names, then the camera cut off.


Stretching was a habit you'd picked up in the morning which honestly made you feel a lot better about yourself.
You were super flexible now, since you would move instead of immediately checking your phone every morning. Well, the stretching would just prolong the inevitable, you'd still sink ten hours of your day into your screen time.

"Señorita, good to see you are awake."
Alejandro spoke, while you were in the middle of your dumb routine.

"You too Alejandro, good morning."
At this point, you were getting more and more wary of Alejandro's strategies, it wouldn't be long until eventually you were a target for elimination, considering how much of your game knowledge you shared with him...

"May I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead."
Maybe it was better to distance yourself from him...?

You were tempted to try that for this upcoming challenge.

"After your fight with Noah, what are your opinions on him? You're a valuable member of the team, I would like your ideas before making any rash decisions."
Alejandro sat down on the bench in front of you while you worked on your legs.

"He's better now. We had a conversation, and I can see him putting more effort into the team in the future. I say we keep him around. Besides, we both know we can physically beat him in any challenge. If anything, it's good to have him for the finale, if either one of us doesn't make it."
You spoke honestly, but with a guilty conscience.

"Interesting to know that you plan on bringing me to the finale, mi amor."
Alejandro smiled, and you could feel all of his sinister aura leaking into the world around him.

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