Fighting in a Dragon's Den

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TW: mild horror for a few hundred words. Nothing too intense.

Hello! I've got two winners I want to highlight today! boredom__killedme and Thepink_Fluff1234l for creating some awesome pieces of art!
Boredom created the piece of the man in the subway (named Bob by the discord members) and Pink Fluff created the piece beneath this paragraph with their incredible oc Audrey!

Hello! I've got two winners I want to highlight today! boredom__killedme and Thepink_Fluff1234l for creating some awesome pieces of art!Boredom created the piece of the man in the subway (named Bob by the discord members) and Pink Fluff created th...

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Thanks again for making so much artwork, and enjoy the chapter!

-Taco <3


"Alright kids, it's time for another challenge!"
Chris McLean rubbed his hands together as he ushered the remaining contestants off the plane. Most of them rolled their eyes but stood up, knowing that the only way they'd win this game is by participating.
However, a few of them seemed more nervous to exit the plane than usual.

"This one's gonna be good! I've had it planned for a while!"
Chris smiled and turned to look to his torture victims, who were stepping down onto the grass beneath them. Quiet, rolling hills and cliffs that dove straight down into the ocean, lapping against the chalky rock. This place was way too pretty to be a challenge location.
Chris definitely had a plan.

DJ picked at the skin around his fingernails and whispered something into Noah's ear, which didn't help his own worried look.

Gwen spoke up for the two of them, catching on to the train of thought the two shared.
"Where's Y/N?"

Chris turned around, with an actual look of sympathy on his face, if only for a split second and answered the group's question.
"Y/N's sitting this one out since she's not up to full health yet, and legal said I'd get sued if I brought them back this early."
Some of the contestant's faces sunk.

Chris laughed at that last bit, but refused to let any of the cameras see his face afterwards. The contestants saw him pat himself down, wiping dust that wasn't there off of his shirt.

He took a deep breath in, and instructed the cameras to continue rolling. Then, Chris McLean sprung to life again.
"Anyway, welcome to Wales!"


"It's... weird being on the plane without Y/N. So much of my time was spent interacting with her. Now that she's not here, the entire show feels empty."

"They weren't eliminated, I know that for a fact. But, I can't find her anywhere. Trust me, I looked."


Quiet rolling fields of greens, blues and yellows...

When you laid down in the grass, you caught a view of the sky, a brilliant blue, glowing gold against the clouds as the sun caught the light at the perfect angle.

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