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Hyunjinnnn I think I fell in love 😻 @i

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Hyunjinnnn I think I fell in love 😻 @i.2.n.8 📸 @gnabnahc

Liked by I.2.n.8 and 56,910 others

I.2.n.8: Hyunnggggg stop what if Seungminnie Hyung sees this?!?!
>Hyunjinnnn: aww im sorry angel! It's okay though Min won't mind~!

J.onebbg: wtf Hwang Hyunjin?!
>Hyunjinnnn: whattttt hes just an angle!
>lee.knows: Hyunjinah you better say bye to Lix before it's too late.
>Hyunjinnnn: what? What does that mean Hyung?
>lee.knows: watch and find out!

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☆in dms☆
Lixxie what does Minho Hyung mean?
Read 5:23 pm

Yah Yongbok. Don't ignore me please...
Read 5:24 pm

Lix what did I do? Why the fuck are you ignoring me?!

Hello! This is Felix's mom, my son is packing his things from his dorm today. We're heading back to Australia for a bit, I'm sorry for the sudden news! Please don't cuss at my son he just needs a break. Especially from you, the fact he keeps crying and whispering your name in his sleep concerns me. You did something to my son and I won't tolerate it.

Lix is leaving?
He can't leave me... please...
Read 5:29 pm


Hyunjin sat in shock, Hyunjin was hanging out with Chan and Jeongin when he found out. He didn't know what emotions to feel. He felt sad that Felix was leaving, mad he waited so long to confess, and happy Felix was able to have a break. Suddenly all the emotions became too much and be broke down.

"Hyunjin... your phone is ringing," Chan spoke softly to the crying boy. Hyunjin picked it up and looked at the caller. It was none other than Lew Felix himself. Well, Hyunjin assumed it was Felix, maybe Minho or Jisung had his phone? Carefully Hyunjin answered and waited for a voice.

"Hyunjin Hyung I'm so sorry." Felix spoke of the other side of the phone between sobs. He took a deep breath and continued to talk. "I'm such as ass for ignoring you, I was just scared for YOU. You have a good reputation and everyone loves you! I was scared that I would get in the way of that. Especially after those pictures got out."

Hyunjin sighed. He didn't know why Felix would do that when he genuinely cared more about Felix than his reputation. "Baby, I can promise you that I care WAY more about you than some dumb fucking reputation that was forced onto me. My reputation can suck my dick, I didn't even want to be popular."

Felix smiled even if Hyunjin couldn't see it. "Hyunjin I'll be back soon I promise. I could never leave forever it would break me. I need all of my friends! Plus Jisung wouldn't live in Australia with me and Minho so technically I have to come back! I'll let my mom know it's just s short break. When I come back I want to spend time with you Hyunnie~!:

Hyunjin giggled and wiped his face. The tears that once streamed out of his eyes were no longer there. He let out one last sigh before speaking again. "Okay, Yongbok. Please keep in touch! I love you so much, baby."

Felix gave a quick response of 'i love you more' and hung up. He was a blushing mess and Jisung noticed that. Jisung let out a loud laugh as he held his stomach. Felix's face turned to a playful annoyed look as Jisung laughed. Quickly Felix got up and finished his packing. He already decided moving out would take too much work and especially to Australia. He walked into the kitchen and put his hand on his moms shoulder.

"Mom you can put all the dishes back in their spots. Moving is too much work and me and Hyunjin are okay now!" Felixs mom sighed at her sons words but nodded. She missed living in Australia, but wanted to be close to her son and nephew so she stayed in korea with them. She gave him a quick kiss on his forehead and patted his back before placing everything back in their rightful spots.

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