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"Alright, Hyunjin. Now, can you please apologize to Felix? He is the entire reason ANY of us are here." Minho spoke with a bitter tone.

Anyone could tell that Minho and Jisung still weren't happy with Hyunjin. It would probably take time for them to trust Hyunjin again. Jisung had been giving him dirty looks from the minute he saw Hyunjin.

"Oh, sorry, Minho Hyung. I didn't think he'd be comfortable, so I went to Jeongin first..." Hyunjin apologized with a bow. The feeling of jealousy Felix had felt went away.

He wanted Hyunjin to be comfortable with him. He wanted Hyunjin to know that he was comfortable. He didn't fully trust Hyunjin again, but he did forgive him.

"Hyung, trust me on this. I feel so comfortable with you. I couldn't sleep for weeks because I missed your touch." Felix spoke gently. Jisung fake gagged, and Minho gave him a light nudge.

"Felix, I am so sorry. I wasn't thinking right, I was just jealous of how close you were with Soobin. I didn't mean to hurt you at all. I wasn't trying to seem like a whore." Hyunjin spoke between sobs. His last sentence was directed at Minho, and everyone knew it.

Felix just nodded gently. Hyunjin had already explained this to him. It felt better to hear it in person. They were all proud of Hyunjin. There are many hard things to say. Feelings are always hard to express, and 'sorry' is always hard to say.

"I forgive you already, Jinnie. I didn't have to act the way I did. I didn't have to block all contact and not hear you out, but I did it anyways and I'm sorry." Felix apologized as he pulled Hyunjin into a hug.

Hyunjin immediately hugged back. He had missed Felix's hugs and his clinging. He missed hearing Felix call his name. He missed his small cat-like hands. He missed everything about Felix. The only thing he didn't miss was their arguing.

Felix pressed a small kiss on Hyunjin's cheek. It was something both of them needed. They needed just a little more than a kiss on the cheek though. They were desperate for more.

"Hyunjin, honey! I made food for everyone! Please come down and eat your food before it gets cold." His mother interrupted. Jisung got up and walked downstairs ignoring the looks his friends gave him.

"Ignore Ji he's still upset I guess" Minho spoke softly patting Hyunjin on the shoulder. Minho got over it the minute he saw Hyunjin apologize to Felix.

Now the only goal was to get Jisung to forgive Hyunjin. Seungmin was still not talking to him, but he forgives Hyunjin and everyone knows it. Chan and Changbin held hands and walked downstairs. They missed Hyunjin and decided they were going to enjoy his company.

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