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Yong.lixx:/ Hes perfect everyone 😿 @hyunjinnnn

Liked by J.onebbg and 70k others

Hyunjinnnn: I look scary 😭
>yong.lixx: shut up. Take that back. I'm highly offended. 🙄

danceracha4life: Hyunjin is so silly for that!
 >Hyunjinssecretlover: Straight fire?!

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"Lix please!" Hyunjin begged the younger male to delete the post. Felix shook his head once again and sighed.

"Jinnie, If people get mad at me for liking you again that's their fault. It isn't any of their business."

"I don't want people to hate you because of me though."

"Boo hoo, screw them Jin! They have no say in who I'm friends with. They have no say on who I like. I am my own person, I can do whatever the hell I want!" 

Hyunjin gave up, he knew there was no convincing the younger. They went to get ice cream late at night as another date. Felix liked how Hyunjin would take him on the most random dates. The elder would call Felix, tell him to be ready by a certain time, then they'd go on a date. It was never too much because Hyunjin knew the Aussie preferred a simple date.    

"Lix, I promise I won't screw this up again, alright?"

"I never said you were going to. Hyunjin I trust you, don't pressure yourself."

"I don't understand you sometimes pixie."

"Why's that?" Felix was genuinely confused, he wanted Hyunjin to understand him all the time.

"I don't understand how you can be so forgiving sometimes. I really hurt you, but you still came back and forgave me." 

"Forgive and forget Jinnie, that's what I do. Okay, maybe not the forget part."

"How many more dates until I can call you mine again?"

"Hwang Hyunjin, be my boyfriend. Officially."

Hyunjin nodded instantly and pulled Felix in for a tight hug. Felix smiled widely, he was proud to call Hyunjin his lover. He could tell Hyunjin really wanted it, to be able to kiss the younger. He knew Hyunjin wanted to tell the younger the sweetest things.

"Can I kiss you?" Hyunjin asked, he received a nod in response. Hyunjin closed the gap between him and his boyfriend. Felix kissed back with a small smile, the younger missed the feeling.

"God, Jisung is going to kill me," Hyunjin sighed. Felix giggled and hummed in agreement.

"Don't worry, I will be there to protect you." Felix smiled at his boyfriend. Hyunjin smiled softly at his boyfriend who he found adorable.

"Let's get you home then, we can let them know once you're safe under your own roof." 

"Stay at my place?"

"Sure, let me text Seungmin and let him know." Hyunjin pulled out his phone and began texting his 'brother.'

"Okay, lets go angel," Hyunjin grabbed Felix's hand and the two of them began walking to Felix's house. They talked about random crap until Felix heard a noise. He froze in place, confusing Hyunjin.

"Camera." Felix mumbled, he had heard a camera shutter.

"This shit again?" Hyunjin sighed, he was getting bored of it.

"Let's just go," Felix shook his head as the two began walking again. They heard the same noise again.

"These people act like paparazzi." Hyunjin turned around and began walking towards the sound.

"Jin, really?" Felix sighed as he ran to catch up. Hyunjin spotted a person with a camera and instantly ran to them.

"What the hell?" Hyunjin froze as he stood face to face with Heeseung.

"I'm sorry! I was walking to take pictures of the sky for Ni-ki and you two just looked so cute."

"Well, thanks for the compliment. Maybe next time you can ask? We're kind of over this whole stalking thing." Hyunjin sighed and Heeseung just quickly nodded.

"Okay, bye Hee! Send me the pictures later, alright?" Felix quickly added before he walked away with his boyfriend.

"At least it wasn't actually a stalker or something." Felix shrugged.

"Hmm, let's just go, I'm really tired." Hyunjin mumbled, Felix nodded and picked up his pace. The two arrived safely at Felix's house in no time.

"Honey, I'm home," Felix called out in a song voice. Jisung quickly ran down the stairs with Minho following slowly behind.

"Hey Lix! Oh, Hyunjin." Jisung's smile fell at the sight of him. Minho gave a quick hug to Hyunjin and Felix before returning to his boyfriends side.

"Okay, look, I know you don't really like him right now." Felix sighed, "but he is my boyfriend now so you're gonna have to get rid of this hatred sometime soon."

"WHAT?!" Minho and Jisung shouted in sync. Hyunjin wined as he leaned against Felix.

"Also, he's spending the night. No questions asked, have a great rest of your night!" Felix quickly spoke before dragging Hyunjin to his room.

~770 words~

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