058 | silence

364 26 13

AUGUST 19, 2021

ANOTHER DAY HAS PASSED and Josiah has still yet to hear back from Elijah. Josiah hurt started to ignite more pain because he was now believing he just lost a friend. And not just any friend, his best friend, his elijah.

Josiah believed he shouldn't have kissed him. He didn't regret the kiss happening, he just wouldn't have done it if this was the outcome.

He just missed him. They didn't have to be together, things didn't have to change. He was okay with just liking him but still staying friends with him. He was just grateful to be with him, romantic or not.

And a deep part of Josiah was starting to worry that Elijah didn't think the same or if he did, just not anymore.

"Josiah," Natalie says, bursting in his room which leaves a startled Josiah.

"Yeah?" Josiah asks, wrapped up under his covers as he knew he presumed a caterpillar waiting to hatch. He just knew he looked pathetic.

"Get up." Natalie says, "You been in bed all day, it's unlike you." She says, "Do you not have anything planned with Elijah?"

Josiah was embarrassed on how quickly hearing his name brought tears to well up in his eyes,

Natalie could immediately see that and tried to change the subject, "Nonetheless, we can spend time together." She says, "Like old times."

Josiah didn't really want to get out of bed, it took him a lot to even get out of bed for Ruby yesterday.

"I will not accept a no," Natalie says, "We're not even going to leave the house." She says, placing her hands on her hips, "Just please, get out of bed."

Josiah could hear the pleading in her tone and could only back when he told his mom and dad that he was depressed. His mom never told him but he knew she felt guilty for not asking him about it. She knew he stayed in his room more than normal, he hadn't picked up a book in ages and he never really smiled the same.

Josiah knew she wouldn't want a repeat of that and even though he knew it wasn't anything close to that he got up regardless, putting a smile on his mom's face that he was hoping to see.

"Okay, good." Natalie says, "I can make us some chili and put on our favorite shows."

Josiah couldn't help but smile at that, keeping his cover wrapped around his body as he started to follow his mom downstairs into the kitchen.

"You don't have to do anything," Natalie says, "Everyone knows that chili is a quick and easy meal."

Josiah just nodded his head, sitting himself down on the stool.

"So you're excited for your last year in high school?" Natalie asks, taking out her favorite brand of chili.

Josiah mumbles as he shakes his head, "I forgot all about that." He says, "Please don't remind me."

"It's okay, you still have time until you have to go back." She says, stirring the pot as she added a bit of cheese to the chili.

"Good," he says before he clears his throat, "How have things been at the restaurant?"

"Same old, same old." She says, before she gasps, shocking Josiah with a shocked smile, "What is it?" He asks,

"A big food critic came to my restaurant and left a good review." She says, "it's been very good for business."

"That's amazing," Josiah says, his smile big, "So I'm assuming you've been getting more customers?"

Natalie nods her head, "That's typically what good for business means."

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