Act One: Chapter III: The Meeting

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August 23 2013 [Past Sequence]

Three days have passed since Mad Hatter was arrested and was sent to Arkham Asylum. Right now, Alex was at Hope Enterprises as he was at R&D checking out new equipment and many more.

 Right now, Alex was at Hope Enterprises as he was at R&D checking out new equipment and many more

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Hope Enterprises was created by Steven and Laura Ambrose. For years, they have developed Gotham City and tried to make the city a better place. Around one time, Steven wanted to run mayor for Gotham, however he had enemies that wanted to stop him from becoming mayor and that enemy us Falcone.

One night, when Steven and Laura were walking through the alleyway. A mysterious hitman hired by Falcone shot both of them and left the scene. After their deaths, Steven's brother wanted the police to arrest the murderer and send him to prison but Falcone paid the police to tamper the evidence and since then, nobody knows who the hitman was that killed Steven and Laura.

Alex continued examining the gadgets around R&D until he heard someone calling his name as Ambrose turned around and saw who it was.

Alex continued examining the gadgets around R&D until he heard someone calling his name as Ambrose turned around and saw who it was

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His name is William Ambrose. He is Steven's brother and Alex's uncle. He's been raising him since his parents passed away.

William: What are you up too kiddo?

Alex: Just checking on the incendiary grenades. They look alright.

William: Just be careful with it. We don't want to burn the lab.

Alex: Don't worry. I'll be careful.

William: I should really add telepathic inhibitors to your suit. That way, no one can try to control your mind.

Alex: Yeah but right now it's in prototype stage.

William: True but hey, we should add that in the suit.

Alex had a smile on his face as both of them continued looking through different gadgets while talking to each other about the equipment. They were also thinking about different upgrades to add to the suit.

They continued talking to each other until they heard footsteps as the duo turned around and saw who it was.

They continued talking to each other until they heard footsteps as the duo turned around and saw who it was

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