Act Two: Chapter II: Close Quarters

447 18 155

January 8 2014

The ship's lower deck showed the pirates aiming their weapons on the hostages as the pirates began speaking to each other.

Pirate: J'ai dit à Batroc que si on veut que le SHIELD nous paye, commence à leur envoyer des corps maintenant! [I said to Batroc, if we want SHIELD to pay, we have to start sending them bodies now!]

Pirate: [Looks at the hostages] j'ai une balle pour quelqu'un. Est-ce que quelqu'un en veut un!? [I have a bullet for someone. Does anyone want one!?]

Meanwhile In the control room, Batroc was sitting down as he was speaking to his men on the radio.

Batroc: J'aime pas attendre. Appelle Durand. Je veux que l'on s'arrache dès que la ranson arrive. [I do not like to wait. Call Durand. I want the ship ready to move when the ransom arrives.]

Pirate: [On Radio] Durand. Démarre le moteur.[Durand. Start the engine.]

At the engine room, Durand was listening to the objective and nodded. He grabbed his rifle and turned around until. . .

Durand was shocked as he tried to shoot Natasha but she hit a spinning heel kick on the hostile and wrapped a wire around his neck and jumped off the platform, instantly killing him

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Durand was shocked as he tried to shoot Natasha but she hit a spinning heel kick on the hostile and wrapped a wire around his neck and jumped off the platform, instantly killing him.

Natasha began making her way through the lower levels as she pulled out her pistols and began firing at the hostiles in the lower level of the engine room.

Natasha began making her way through the lower levels as she pulled out her pistols and began firing at the hostiles in the lower level of the engine room

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She continued firing at multiple hostiles and took them down as Natasha landed on the ground and continued moving forward.

Meanwhile the pirates were looking at the hostages as one pirate went to the door and said something to the pirate who was guarding the door.

Pirate: Hé, trouve Batroc, si j'ai pas de nouvelles dans deux minutes, je commence à les tuer. [Hey, look for Batroc. If I do not hear anything in two minutes, I'll start to kill them!]

Pirate: D'accord. Je vais le chercher ! [Okay. I'll find him!]

The guard was walk away until Alex grabbed him and smacked his head on the ground as the hostile was unconscious.

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