Act Three: Chapter VIII: Fire

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Amadeus: They brought the animal before me, shameless and barking like a mad dog. For what felt like days I endured his boasts. He took pleasure recounting his actions, cataloging his depraved crimes. What should have been revenge turned to pity. This poor dog needed my help.

The island changed little over the years. Its reputation was in tatters, but I vowed to fix it. As the buildings were rebuilt I saw the future, a bright wonderful future. New brick, metal and paint covered old wounds. Fresh blood was injected into the body. Bright new minds came and all swore to uphold our promises. We all knew we were the ones to fix this city. And the city would thank us.

January 20 1945 [Past Sequence]

There was a training camp as someone was talking to the soldiers about their next mission as they nodded and began walking away. She began looking at the other soldiers training at the camp as she was looking at them.

Anne was looking at the soldiers as Winters was gonna walk away until she heard someone speaking to her as Anne turned around and saw who it was

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Anne was looking at the soldiers as Winters was gonna walk away until she heard someone speaking to her as Anne turned around and saw who it was.

???: There you are, sweetheart.

Anne had a smile on her face as Barnes was smiling at her until both of them hugged each other and began speaking

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Anne had a smile on her face as Barnes was smiling at her until both of them hugged each other and began speaking.

Anne: [Smiles] Bucky, its good to see you.

Bucky: [Smile] Same here love, how is everything going for you?

Anne: It's alright, we've been looking for more HYDRA bases and destroy those bases.

Bucky: That's good. We need to put an end to their madness once and for all.

Anne: Your right about that.

Both of them began walking around the camp as they continued talking to each other.

Bucky: You need to rest up. You've been working extremely hard for the last two years.

Anne: I know Buck but we can't take any breaks. Otherwise-

Bucky: I know but knowing them, they're probably laying low.

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