Act Three: Chapter IX: Psychosis

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Amadeus: My family's killer stood in front of me. Years of therapy have deemed him sane. I was proud to see him walk free. In exchange for his liberty the state required only a signature. He talked about wanting to walk in a park, how he longed to feel fresh air on his face, and then he took my father's fountain pen and killed my secretary. As he was subdued, he screamed out, pleading for forgiveness, for pity, but I had none. I watched as guards beat him to a stain on the floor.

Spring was a turning point, a new beginning, a glorious realization of my true destiny. My family's killer perished in an unfortunate accident. These animals cannot be cured. Like dogs, they only respond to discipline. And if that fails, then I was afraid that these accidents would have to continue.

I took a walk around my island. I passed by the penitentiary and felt nauseous at the thought of the filth it contained. I looked out over the Gotham Bay and in the distance I saw lights, no doubt boats bringing more filthy degenerates to my city. I swore again to protect her from this darkness.

June 3 2014

Harley Quinn along with some inmates and the warden entered the office and saw Doctor Young was dead as they also saw Alex who was on the ground and he was unconscious. Quinn had a smile on her face as she said something to the vigilante.

Harley: Poor Doctor Young. Still, you know how Mr. J hates a squealer. Speaking of squealers.

Quinn began walking towards Warden Sharp and removed the tape from his mouth as she hit him in the gut with the cane as Quincy was in pain and screamed for help.

Sharp: Somebody help me!

Harley hit him in the head with the cane as a piece of cane broke and was on the ground. She kicked the Warden as he was on the ground and Quinn said something to Alex.

Harley: This old man actually thinks he runs this place! Talk about crazy! Well, Bats, places to go! Get him, boys!

Four inmates began walking towards the unconscious Alex as Harley along with two other inmates began dragging Sharp away from the office as Quinn said something to them.

Harley: If he gets up, knock him back down, but not too rough. Mr. J needs him at the party.

Harley along with the inmates and Sharp left the Arkham Mansion as the four hostiles were looking at the unconscious Alex and were ready to attack him.

Alex began hearing crying and screaming as he heard someone crying for help while the sound of electricity was heard and the cries turned into painful loud screams. He then heard someone saying Batman so loud that it echoed through the entire room but what followed was the sounds of more cries and screams.

Now he heard someone crying and begging for the torture to stop but what followed was even more cries and screams as someone was screaming Batman multiple times before he cried and began screaming Alex before another shock was heard and the cries got even more louder.

The inmate was tired of waiting as he had the pipe in his hand and was gonna hit the vigilante in the head with the weapon until Ambrose opened his eyes and kicked the hostile in the face as he got back on his feet and stared at the hostiles.

The inmate was tired of waiting as he had the pipe in his hand and was gonna hit the vigilante in the head with the weapon until Ambrose opened his eyes and kicked the hostile in the face as he got back on his feet and stared at the hostiles

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