Act Three: Chapter II: Madness

228 8 179

June 3 2014

Alex was running through the processing corridor as he was looking for Joker until he noticed multiple dead guards and doctors. He gritted his teeth in anger and said something to himself.

Alex: Everywhere that madman goes, death is sure to follow.

He continued moving through the hallways until two inmates tried to ambush the vigilante but Alex jumped over their heads and began fighting them.

One inmate tried to attack him but Alex kicked his leg and followed it up with a roundhouse kick, knocking the hostile out. The second inmate tried to attack him but the vigilante stomped on his leg, breaking it as he was screaming in pain until the vigilante slammed the hostile face on the wall, knocking him out.

Alex continued moving through the processing corridor until he looked at the television screen and saw thousands of inmates being released from their cells as they were running through the asylum.

Alex heard someone calling his name as he turned around and saw a guard. He began walking towards the guard and spoke to him.

Guard: Urgh. . . . . What happened?

Alex: Joker happened. Your lucky to be alive.

Guard: He must have gone this way. The door's jammed. I'll try and get it opened.

Suddenly the guard heard something on the radio as he began listening to it.

Guard: [On Radio] We need help at pacification! I repeat, we need backup at pacification! Can anyone hear me!?

Guard: Hello? Can you hear me? I'm with Batman. Hello?

Alex: Where are they?

Guard: Back down there. Do you need any help?

Alex: No. I work better alone.

Guard: [On Radio] Oh god! Zsasz is free! I repeat, Zsasz is free! He has Mike!

Suddenly a loud scream was heard before static was heard on the radio. Ambrose began walking through the hallway and contacted William and Marie.

Alex: William, Marie. Can you hear me?

William: [On Radio] Loud and clear. What's up?

Alex: Joker escaped custody. He's running free in Arkham.

Marie: [On Radio] Do you need anything? Is Gordon alright?

Alex: Commissioner Gordon is safe. Joker is not far ahead. I'll stay in contact.

Marie: [On Radio] Okay then. Be careful, Alex.

Ambrose nodded and opened the door and was at the patient pacification chamber and saw a guard yelling at Victor as the gate was closed and the guard began hitting the door. He noticed Alex entering the chamber as he ran to him and spoke to the vigilante.

Guard: Oh god, Zsasz kidnapped Mike and strapped him to a electric chair. . . . Zsasz has totally lost it.

Alex: Wait here.

Guard: You can't go in there. If he sees anyone, he'll kill Mike!

Alex: He won't see me.

Suddenly they heard a loud scream as everyone looked at the window and saw Victor Zsasz holding a remote in his hand as he was staring at the guard and slowly shocked him before he deactivated the electric chair.

Suddenly they heard a loud scream as everyone looked at the window and saw Victor Zsasz holding a remote in his hand as he was staring at the guard and slowly shocked him before he deactivated the electric chair

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