Chapter 11 - The Blue Shadow Virus

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Author's Note: More chaos with Leia. :)

~ Amina Gila

"Looks good to me," Qi'ra says, passing the datapad back to Leia where her next speech is written up.

"As always," Pooja agrees, cheerfully.

"Good," Leia replies, exchanging a smile with them. The friendship she has with them and... Jyn Erso – her last handmaid – isn't really something she's had with anyone before. Of course, she's had friendships in the past, but it was never this personal and close, except Kier, and that was in an entirely different way. For at least a little while, it fills the emptiness that not having any immediate family member with her left behind. They're all growing quite close, especially given that they all live in the Queen's quarters.

"We still have to address that trading route bill," Jyn adds, glancing up from the datapad she's working on. She's not really one for speeches – generally, that's more something Leia and Pooja come up with.

"Right. I was –" Leia's cut off when someone knocks on the door, before opening it.

"Am I interrupting anything?" Han asks. Something about his usual cheerfulness is dimmer, which is never a good sign.

"Something important?" Qi'ra asks, frowning. Her and Han are... more than friends, Leia knows.

"We received word about the rumors of the Blue Shadow Virus," he explains, "It appears there is some evidence that Separatists are using an old, abandoned bunker beneath the surface, right by where the water was first contaminated. Gungans reported they spotted droids in the area."


"Why would they come to Naboo?" Pooja protests.

"We have to look into this," Leia declares, firmly, standing. "If the Separatists are using Naboo as a base to generate new weapons..."

"Should I send security to look into it personally?" Han queries.

"I will go personally," Leia replies. She has the Force – she could sense it if something was amiss. It's a risk, but they can't wait. If the Separatists have been able to conceal sneaking onto the surface, and traveling back and forth to get whatever supplies they need, it would have to be a major operation. And the Force is warning her that something is very wrong here.

"You can't be serious," Qi'ra exclaims.

"Absolutely not, Your Majesty," Han replies, "That is unnecessary and far too dangerous. I will send in extra security to investigate."

"Haven't the other Nubians already done so?"

"... Yes."

"And what happened to them?"

"Many did not come back," he admits.

Which is why she needs to go, because with the Force, she'll be able to avoid what they can't, but Han and Qi'ra will definitely not back down. And they aren't entirely wrong that it's extremely dangerous.

"Put in a call to the Jedi," Leia decides, "I will request Commander Naberrie and perhaps General Skywalker, as well, be sent in to investigate further."

"That is more sensible," Qi'ra replies, dryly.

Leia pointedly keeps quiet that this doesn't mean she's still not planning to look into it personally. But she will wait for the Jedi to arrive, if it's possible.


"Where's Qi'ra?" Leia asks, as innocently as she can, when she stumbles into Jyn and Pooja alone, together.

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