Chapter 23 - Attack on Coruscant

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Author's Note: Aaaand ROTS is beginning! Predictions anyone? ;)

~ Amina Gila

"Well, that could've gone a lot worse," Ezra says cheerfully, as he and Luke make their way through the halls of the cruiser to the briefing room.

"It could have," Luke agrees, dryly, "The droids are so stupid sometimes."

"If I knew they would fall for that, Master Caleb and I would have tried it long ago." Ezra and Caleb were pinned down, and Anakin and Luke had come in to help them. They were pretty much surrounded on all sides, so the fastest solution was to feign surrender, so they could get the tactical droid to come out of its hiding spot, giving them a chance to destroy it.

"At least you know for next time," Luke offers.

It's been a while since they fought side by side, and he's admittedly glad they're on the same mission again.

Everyone is already gathered when they reach the briefing room. "You're late," Caleb calls.

"Oops?" Ezra volunteers – it was probably supposed to sound apologetic but for some reason it really didn't.

Luke hurries across the room, taking his usual position next to Anakin. "Didn't mean to get distracted. I didn't miss anything too important, did I?" And he was worn out from the battle, and fooling around with Ezra was fun, okay?

"We were just getting started," Anakin assures.

The battle on the planet is mostly over, and they're discussing clean-up when they suddenly get another incoming transmission.

"It's not from a frequency I recognize, but it appears to be originating from... Mandalore?" Rex reports, clearly surprised.

"Mandalore?" Luke echoes, "Why would someone from there by calling us?"

"Put it through," Anakin instructs, and a hologram of a very familiar figure flickers to life.

"Sabine?" Luke asks, eyes widening. Why's she calling them? The last time they met, she was trying to kill them.

"I know this is unusual," she says, pulling off her helmet. Her hair is orange and blue now instead of aqua, but what really catches his attention is how worried and nervous she looks. "But I had to call you. Maul is trying to make a deal with Death Watch. If they do, there's going to be civil war on Mandalore. You were right that this conflict is destroying my people. I can't let that happen. I need your help."


That was unexpected.

Maybe what Anakin said on Mandalore sunk in more than Luke expected.

"The Republic intervening in Mandalore would also drag your planet into war," points out, Caleb, glancing between her and Anakin. He rather hero-worships Anakin which Luke admitted finds a little funny because he's already a Knight. Even if Luke can entirely relate to that.

"I know, but if you can guarantee to me that the Republic will pull out once this is settled..."

"We'll see what we can do," Anakin promises, "The Council may not want to interfere, but we'll see if we can send at least some help."

"Thank you," Sabine replies, gratefully, "I'll be waiting for your answer." The hologram flickers off, leaving them alone.

"Why couldn't we go?" Ezra objects.

"There are many treaties involved," Caleb explains, "It could cause another war."

"This way, Mandalore could get dragged into the war on the other side, regardless," Anakin points out. And that, everyone knows, is the last thing they need. The war has been dragging on for three years. They've been out here on the Outer Rim Sieges for practically five months now, and Luke hasn't seen Coruscant other than briefly since they first left. He doesn't even know when that will change. There's still no end in sight. "We'll call the Council now."

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