Chapter 15 - Mandalore

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Author's Note: Thoughts, comments, predictions anyone? :)

Also, this fic is half done being posted. ^-^

~ Amina Gila

"The scale of this attack is most troubling," Obi-Wan muses, as Anakin stands in the Council chamber, with Luke hovering at his side. It's... almost uncomfortable being in here, right alongside his son, all the while knowing there's no way the masters can't tell how similar they look. It feels like it's too obvious, even if no one has ever called him out on it.

He can feel the questions sometimes – especially now, he can always feel the twinges in the Force as their emotions shift. Right now, though, their focus isn't on him – it's on the attack of a Republic base by Mandalorians.

"As is that the markings of the armor on this one appear familiar," interjects Luminara. She's on the Council now too, and the hologram in front of them flips to show what they briefly caught of the warriors.

"One of them does resemble Jango Fett," Obi-Wan agrees, "Though he was believed to be a normal bounty hunter, not in league with any Mandalorian warriors."

"Weren't they all supposed to be gone?" Luke asks. Padawans wouldn't normally speak unless asked to in a Council meeting, but... well, Luke isn't a padawan, and he... isn't exactly overly respectful, either.

"They were thought to be. That's why I need you to go there and find answers," Obi-Wan replies; it's still jarring sometimes, to see him in the same seat that was once Yoda's. "Anakin is familiar with the area, as is Reva. You can both go. There may be something more extreme going on here, than we suspect."

Given the scale of the attack, Anakin's inclined to agree. The Force is warning him that something's amiss.

"We will leave immediately," Anakin assures. It would be a good mission for Luke, anyway, something that might involve just diplomacy. Especially after the worm incident, Anakin'd rather have him somewhere off the battlefield for a while. He needs the break and distance, even if he doesn't know it himself.

"I would go myself, but matters here are too pressing," Obi-Wan adds.

Anakin's been with Obi-Wan to Mandalore, on occasion. He's met Satine before, and he knows she and Obi-Wan were close friends once, even if it's weird to think of what he's pretty sure their relationship was actually like. He can't imagine Obi-Wan ever having such feelings, even if he can see now that his master has many more flaws than he once noticed. But he's always tried to be the best Jedi he could be, like he ought to. Like Anakin knows he can't, even if he tries.

Because in the end, he would never give up the time he's spent with the twins for anything.

"I've always wanted to go to Mandalore," Luke comments, eagerly, as they head through the halls.

"We must be cautious. They may not be so friendly to a Republic presence there." He knows tensions have been high for a while, even if the people have mostly accepted the peaceful ways now.

"So," Luke replies, lightly, "The usual."


The mission turns out to be very much the usual, as they get on a transport in the Mandalorian capital, heading to the palace, alongside Reva. After the latest mission, something between her and Luke seems a little less tense, which is... good.

It makes Anakin wonder, though, what it would have been like to raise Luke and Leia more like he did Ahsoka, instead of during war. Not that he could ever wish they had a life as a Jedi – they never would've fit in, if he was trying to raise them as a parent – instead of the childhood they did have, but he can't help thinking about it.

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