Chapter 13 - Geonosis

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Author's Note: Enjoy the Second Battle of Geonosis. Some things are similar. Some things are very different. ;)

~ Amina Gila

Anakin was not looking forward to coming back to Geonosis, but he knew it was pretty much inevitable. At least it should give them the chance to destroy the droid's main production factories. It will be a serious setback. That's what's most important right now.

"I can't believe we're back here again," Ahsoka remarks, standing with her arms crossed on the bridge of the cruiser next to him.

"Nor can I," Luke agrees, obviously no happier.

"It was inevitable," Anakin replies, "But I am no more keen on our presence here." It doesn't much help that it's a sand planet, either – even after all these years, the memories that bring up never really fade. It's a reminder of time when he had been... nothing, and for all the years that he's spent trying to be something more than that, sometimes he doesn't know if he truly is.

"But we can make sure we do not need to return a third time," Anakin adds.

"Everyone will be happy to do that," Ahsoka says, flatly.

"Were you a part of the first battle?" Anakin asks, looking at Ahsoka's clone commander. He's been hovering close by, silently – the way the clones usually are.

"No, sir," Cody replies, "I was still on Kamino."

"There wasn't anything to see," Luke assures. "Just endless sand and more droids."

"And us chained to poles trying to escape from being eaten," Ahsoka adds, dryly.

"That would have been... something to see," Cody answers.

It might have been amusing, if Anakin could remember anything other than his fear that Luke was going to be lost in the fight. Or even Ahsoka, though he was less worried for her – at least she knew how to fight. It was also where he lost his hand to Maul. He clenches his hand reflectively, thinking about it.

"I'd prefer not to have a repeat of it," she remarks, smirking.

"That's for sure," Luke agrees.

"Been a while since we last saw each other, Skyguys," Ahsoka comments, grinning.

"Skyguys?" Anakin echoes, amused.

"That sounds...." Luke trails off.

"Like the perfect name for you," she finishes, right as the bridge door opens, another boy stepping in, "And I believe we haven't gotten introduced yet. Luke, this is my padawan, Jai Kell."

"You have a padawan?" Luke asks, incredulously.

Anakin knew that, of course Ahsoka finally decided to take one – mostly because of the war, that they're sending more padawans to the front lines, and Anakin still doesn't know what to think of that. It's not the place for any of them, even if they're needed. But there's nothing he can do about it."

"Nice to meet you," Jai says, politely.

Luke nods. "You too."

"This isn't the place for either of them," Anakin comments, quietly, watching as the two talk. Luke seems... a little less friendly with him than Ezra, though, probably quickly realizing that Jai is a relatively normal Jedi.

"It's not, but we all have to do our duty," Ahsoka replies.

"This was not what the Jedi were ever... meant to do." He never really feels comfortable expressing his opinions on any of these things to anyone, with a few exceptions. It made training Ahsoka hard. He always had to... go somewhere private so that he could talk to her. It may have been many years, but no matter how respected he is now by the younger Jedi, it doesn't change that quiet knowledge that he's still different, that he doesn't belong. He still wishes he could've left long ago.

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