Chapter 18 - Naboo

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Author's Note: Plot twist! ;) How many of you saw this coming? xD

We love cameos and familiar faces. ^-^

~ Amina Gila

"I never realized the tensions were still this high," Leia says, unhappily, as she rides in the back of the underwater vehicle alongside Padme, with Han piloting.

"I didn't either," her mother admits, sighing, "Something about it isn't right."

"The Separatists are up to something," she replies, frustratedly. It's another Separatist trick against her planet, to turn the Gungans against them. She knows that much, even if she can't understand why they're falling for it, or what the interest in Naboo is in the first place.

Sometimes, she feels so young. She's glad Padme insisted that she wait until she was at least this old before she tried running for Queen. She can't imagine ever trying to handle this when she was any younger.

"Whatever it is, we should be able to figure out what," Padme soothes, "The Gungans should... react better if I'm the one talking to them."

"That's why I called you." Padme was the one who reunited them in the first place, after all. But it's been years without conflict. Leia can only hope this will be enough.

"How's your reelection campaign coming?" her mother asks, after a pause, "I haven't had much time to pay attention to it."

Leia just grins back. "That's okay. You already know who you're gonna vote for anyway, right?"

Padme smiles back at her, and a certain lightness she hasn't felt in a while spreads through her. She spends more time speaking with her mother than she does the others – thanks to their jobs – but that doesn't mean she doesn't occasionally miss being with her in person, too. "Of course, I do. You've been the best queen for Naboo in... some years now."

She won't take such compliments lightly. "I hope it stays that way. I don't want to war to break out."

"I know," Padme tells her, and Leia knows she does. She was the first and last queen to have a war on the planet in decades. "I... hope it can be avoided. The Gungans shouldn't be beyond reason. If nothing else, we can go to Boss Nass." He's very old now, and no longer the leader, but his opinion would still hold some weight.

Leia can only hope this is going to work, because... Neither of them wants to talk about what will happen otherwise.

"This is quite the place," she comments, glancing around as they dock inside the main Gungan city, heading for the assembly area. From the looks of it, there's quite a commotion going on.

"It is impressive down here. I can see why Eirtae liked studying the art of it," Padme replies, as they step inside.

Leia's never been down here before, but she almost wishes it was an appropriate time to take pictures to show Luke.

"Don't do anything rash, your Highness," cautions Han, clearly wary.

"Now what would I do that would classify as that?" Leia shoots back.

"I don't want to find out."

Padme looks amused. "You remind me of when I had to deal with Captain Panaka."

"So you've told me," Leia replies, dryly, even if she doesn't truly feel the lightness.

"I'll assume that is a compliment," Han huffs, under his breath, as they enter the room.

Boss Lyonie is speaking to the others, something about all the ways Naboo is treating them as second-class citizens.

"Young Queen Amakassu and Senator Amidala," the Gungan greets, gaze narrowing on them, "If yousa here to talk mesa out of marching on Theed, yousa wasting time."

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