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- Age of Ultron -

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Alexei stood numbly amidst the devastation, the destroyed streets and rubble fading around him. Space seemed to close in as he struggled to draw breath, hyperventilating.

A vice clenched around his heart, the crushing pain threatening to swallow him whole. This couldn't be real, it had to be a nightmare.

Large hands grasped his shoulders firmly, turning Alexei to face their owner. 

Thor gazed down at him, blue eyes swimming with empathy and sorrow, "Breathe with me, little one," he rumbled. "In...and out. That's it, nice and slow."

He demonstrated a deep, steady breathing pattern for Alexei to match. Gradually, Alexei's frantic gasps settled into a more regular rhythm, though tears still leaked steadily down his cheeks.

"Good, just like that," Thor praised. "Let the air fill your lungs fully." His hands were broad and warm on Alexei's shoulders, anchoring him.

When Alexei seemed calmer, Thor spoke quietly as he squeezed Alexei's shoulders bracingly.

 "Your brother died with honor, protecting others. Mourn him, yes - but do not let grief poison your heart. He would not want that for you."

Alexei shuddered, drawing a shaky breath as Thor's wise words filtered through the raging storm within him. 

The loss still tore at his soul, but the Asgardian's steadying presence kept him tethered, preventing him from spiraling back into utter devastation.

He gave a small, jerky nod. Thor smiled sadly and pulled him close. "We will get through this together, young one. You are not alone."

Alexei took one last deep breath and wiped his eyes. Thor's solid presence was a comfort as they slowly made their way out of the decimated city. Each step was a struggle, but Alexei put one foot in front of the other, relying on Thor's steady strength.

Thor kept a supportive grip on Alexei's arm as he gently guided the shaken young man to his feet. Alexei swayed unsteadily, the waves of anguish still threatening to pull him under.

"Easy now," Thor murmured. He slid a bracing arm around Alexei's back, letting him lean into the Asgardian's sturdy frame.

Together they slowly made their way through the rubble-strewn streets. Alexei stumbled often, his vision blurring with fresh tears. But each time Thor was there, patient and steady as a rock for Alexei to cling to.

When Alexei's knees buckled, no longer able to take his weight, Thor simply knelt and gathered the distraught young man into his arms.

Thor stood smoothly, bearing Alexei's slight weight with ease. Alexei buried his face against Thor's neck, grounding himself in the safety of those strong arms.

Thor easily lifted Alexei into his arms, letting the young man bury his face against the Asgardian's neck. They remained that way in silence for a moment, Thor's strength and warmth cocooning Alexei in comfort.

A sudden scream in the distance made them both look up alertly. Alexei met Thor's concerned gaze. "You should go help them," he rasped quietly, throat still raw.

Thor hesitated. "Are you certain?"

"Yes, go now," Alexei insisted, clambering down from Thor's hold.

Clearly reluctant, Thor nevertheless nodded and stepped back. With a final searching look at Alexei, he summoned Mjolnir and took off swiftly toward the cry for help.

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